Tools and Toys

The tools range from fun toys to powerful, professional tools, and most of them are free! Many integrate with Google so you may want to create a Google account just for this project - it's up to you. Most, but not all of these tools are web-based.


All       Anyone/Fun       Beginner/Easy       Intermediate/Learner       Expert      

You should be able to open this up, figure out how it works and have fun with this. There are lots of online "toys" that are actually worth playing with just for the experience, they'll give you ideas.

This category is for things that may take a little learning but don't need lots of effort. 

These items will require some studying but are worth the time. You can watch a few YouTube videos to get to grips with it, right? 

These are complex tools for those who are more technically minded, or researchers or professionals. But hey, don't let that stop you. 

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Musical Text

Type and make music

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Create a stylish web site for free.

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Just click the buttons and get a groove going

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A web-based visual audio/music flow-coding thing a bit like PureData or BespokeSynth.

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Make Your Own Trading Cards

Now you can upload pictures, and set the parameters. 

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Interesting idea, an AI (owl) with which kids can "go over" and talk through concepts they don't quite understand. I tried it and I'm still not 100% about why rainbows are the shape they are.

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Numbers generate algorithmic music.

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Anchor Podcast

Easy way to publish podcasts

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Some really interesting "writing" tools...

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Brilliant collection of music theory tools.

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How To Generate Thousands of Ideas

More of a methodology than a tool, but a good one.

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Create a stunning site for free.

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A tool to help you to choose a colour scheme

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Dashtoon AI

Quirky interface, to say the least, but it's an interesting AI comic maker thing.

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MicroTonal Piano

If odd sounding pianos are your thing.

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Open-source animation tool for Mac and Windows

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An actually easy to use 3D VR creation tool. Interesting.

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Groundhop Map

Pop over to see a football game in Germany, or near you.

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Diagram and SVG editor

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This is interesting. You can load a Postgres database using WASM (no server needed)... Maybe could create some fun stuff with this on

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Google Colab

Google Colab Notebooks are documents where you can mix notes and Python code.

They are brilliant for creating teaching resources, or, working on a project where you are figuring it out as you go, because you can create little fragments of code, and run them one at a time.

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Node network diagram builder.

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Item Remover

Remove an item from a photo seamlessly and easily.

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Waterway Map

Brilliant map of streams, burns, becks and rivers.

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Open source video compositing tool, which I think is, putting videos together from other videos and special effects etc

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LeiaPix: Depth Field Maker

Tool to create depth maps, which can be used to create fake-semi-3d pics.

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Dither Paint

For old skool style images when you want to party like it's 1989. See also:

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Private Diary or Reflective Journal. Emails a useful "nag" message every day, which can be a useful reminder.

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Realy interesting looking visual data flow tool.

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Debate Devil

Chat over your ideas or thoughts with Socrates.

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Create a book, photobook, ebook etc

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Is this the holy grail of an easy to use cross-platform GUI library for Python? Not sure yet.

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Play Sound

Interesting tool that searches Freesound, and lets you create soundscapes by clicking samples repeatedly, or letting them loop.

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Interesting synth and sampler app.

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Kaiber Text-to-video

You add a start image, and a text prompt, and Kaiber generates video.

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Select your mood and key, and Autochords does the rest.

p.s You may need Soundflower to record your chords...

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Resizes image into multiple formats for social media.

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Upload a picture of text, and get the text out.

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This tool takes short texts and turns them into melodies

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Text-to-3D image texture

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Generates a variety of nice background textures

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Globe Explorer

Globe Explorer is a search engine (that uses AI, but in an interesting manner)... When you do a search for a topic, it returns the results in a categorised form, as if you were going to learn that topic.

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Interesting sonification example that takes Github upload data and turns it into "music". See this article. NO LONGER ONLINE

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Generates ambient sounds for work and relaxation

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Copy .csv data and play with visualisation possibilities.

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Audio Clash

Turn text into samples

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Kinetix Studio

Interesting idea. A.I turns your videos into 3D figure animations by uploading a video of you dancing.

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Strange drawing suggestion tool

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Prompt Engineering Book

Nice collection of suggestions for prompts for using AI.

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Meme Generator

Design your own meme, AND get access to the code that make it

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3D GL Streetmap

Lovely looking map.

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Really nice web-based Markdown editor.

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AI tool tool with an academic bent. Allegedly.

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3D Tiles

A library to be used with AR/VR tool A-Frame that provides the ability to import 3D panorama frames.

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Morph Thing

Designed to blend, or morph, faces together, I added an elephant's eye and got this strange output.


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An AI generated encyclopedia. I mean, it looks nice.

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Dungeon Scrawl

A great dungeon creator tool.

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Google Sites

Create a web site for free, that integrates with other Google content like Google Drive folders for example.

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Draw kaleidoscopes

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Alter parameters, create textual animations

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Brilliant tool, but paid unfortunately, but you can use it once (or clear your cookies and use again).

It turns a text phrase into YouTube videos with those phrases. Amazing.

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Search and discover similar music/bands

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The Blob Opera

Wonderfully fun online toy to generate harmonies with machine learning.

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Echoes AR Walks

Create AR audio walks with this tool.

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Evoke AI

Choose the genre and mood and let AI generate a two minute track. 3 downloads with free use. Quite interesting. Could be used for a promo video.

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Live hacking of HTML/CSS/Javascript

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Portent Idea Generator

Helps you create clickbait titles

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Another Style GAN tool that takes a sentence you give it and artificial intellgence creates your picture. Here I said "Boris Johnson looking like a pig".  The result isn't always what you expected but they are always interesting in someway.

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A teaching and discussion tool, but one with a focus on short video conversations

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Database schema designing tool. Brilliant!

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Interesting Lenticular project, like Holbein's anamorphic skull, using a really interesting visual programming tool, Meemoo. 

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Regex AI

Lovely tool that uses AI (though why we need to know that, I don't know) to help you create regular expressions (if you don't know what those are, count your blessings).

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Excellent little multimedia tool for creating interactive thingies. Has stickers, effects, gifs etc.

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Infinite Zoom Google Colab

A Google Colab notebook that generates infinite zoom videos.

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Create VR stories

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List of Game Development Tools

Everything from Twine to Unity... tools to make games.

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AI that generates a Orchestral/Ambient/Rock song in midi format (that you can export and import into Garageband for example). Can do loads for free but good to try.

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Draw Audio

Really interesting audio tool where you draw kind of midi notes and and tweak effects and envelopes etc.

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A HTTP tool for coders to see what URL requests are doing (like Postman)

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Components AI

Create your own textual CSS designs.

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Visual coding tool. Data-processing language.

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Lovely free animation tool for Android or iOS.

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Easy Lang

EasyLang is a web-based programming language that is simple and doesn't have arbitrary syntax.

This is how Python started, a language to help people learn coding. Really excellent.

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Portmaneau Maker

Maybe use this tool with <a href="">this random word generator</a> to create a new word.

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Fabulous tool to create mobile and desktop apps, like Powerpoint but with code.

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Pixlr X

The latest version of this fantastic image editor. Has fantastic tools for isolating a part of an image.

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An open search engine with some interesting features, transparency about its alogorithms, and no tracking.

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A.I takes music and creates a video for you, slowly (there's a long queue)

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Liveweave SVG

Really nice and simple SVG vector-based drawing editor.

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p5js Editor

Online editing of Processing projects

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A lovely tool for creating "unfolding stories" that get longer, interactive narrative style, but different. You can add paragraphs, choices and add image URLs (which is interesting, because that means you *could* use almost any image out there on the web.

For developers, stories can be output in .json format, meaning *real writers* could use this tool to "tell a story" and developers might incorporate it into a game easily. Interesting.

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I'm really not sure how to describe this image editor. Like nothing you've every seen. Just go give it a go.

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Turn an image into an audio file. What does a picture sound like?

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Village Generator

Generates maps of fictional villages.

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MyLens, Timeline Creator

Enter a subject and let AI create a timeline for you. Fails to interleave two topics though.

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A.I Generated Spotify Playlist

You describe the sort of music you want to hear, and A.I creates a playlist based on that description.

I added "post-punk-industrial tribal drums distorted guitar with funk bass, creating incredibly anger and tense discordant melodic noise" and it made this list - how'd it do?

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Weird Text Generator

Enter some text, and it gives you your text in lots of weird fonts and characters.

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Machine Learning as an "easy to use" online service.

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Visual programming tool. I've had a play with this and realised it's a nice dataflow tool, that has both plugins, like being able to execute Pythin code and the ability to call/use AI APIs.

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Create audio visualisations with simple coding. Perfect for a VJ because audio-responsive code is built in.

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Paint strange images

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Dot Big Bang

Make your own games and share them with your friends.

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This wonderful tune creates interesting chord progressions for you. I tend to choose piano, turn off drums and set the bpm to around 80.

You have to pay to download the midi, but there are ways around this, using tools that turn recorded audio into midi. Although this may introduce errors or inaccuracies, we will live with these happy accidents.

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Image upscaler

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Night Cafe

Use A.I to generate images from text

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A.I powered dystopian search engine. You are now living the future and it's BAD!

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Create stories with audio fragments. Great for music analysis.

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A brilliant Javascript p5js library that is integrated with A-Frame so that you can generate A-Frame objects but using the more familiar format of p5js.

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Code that takes audio as input and then "writes" piano parts to go with the song.

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Write With Transformer

Start writing and let the unicorn finish your sentences by hitting tab.

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British Placename Mapper

Search for British placename by "starts with" or "ends with" ... for things like "wold" or "brough".

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Timesplines Editor

A way to make Timesplines, or annotated, irregular, quirky timelines.

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Create mobile apps using "block-coding"

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Chimera Painter

Paint your own chimera with some help from A.I

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Create interactive narrative videos. Fab!

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The Lenticulator

Create images that move, or change when you do. 

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Looks a really interesting Hypercard clone, but I'm unable to follow the compilation instructions. Shame.

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Advanced open source video editor

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A tool to create animations with motion. Limited trial

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Wheel Of Names

Make your own spin-o-meter

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Random Street View

Google Maps but opened at a random place on earth, in Street View mode. 

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Upscale Media

Uses A.I to make a small image bigger without going all pixelated.

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Make My Drive Fun

An interesting map tool that highlights points of interest.

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Text Mixing Desk

Enter text and it scrambles it up

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Magic Sketchpad

Start drawing, AI finishes it

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The spreadsheet with OpenAI and Slack integrations (for example) already built in. Nice idea.

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Geo Poetry Generator

Find the latitude and longitude coordinates of a place here: then have it make a poem about that place for you. Or just go to the site and see what it makes.

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Create a stylish web site for free.

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Small pattern-oriented web synth with which you can create electronic music very easily. Lots of fun once you figure it out.

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Blackout Poetry Tool

Brilliant Blackout Poetry tool (made in Glitch)

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Interesting Image AI thing with a variety of tools

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Artbreeder Collage

Draw your design with simple colours and have A.I turn it into a more realistic image.

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Boords is the collaborative online storyboard creator.

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Nice multi platform audio editor, good for quick edit.s

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Modular synthesis. Twiddle those knobs and make a noise.

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An AI tool that generates animation

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Successor to Pygame, PyGameZero is a python-based game engine that is fun to use, easy and powerful.

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AI Repository

Not a tool, but AIAAIC's independent, free, open library of 900+ incidents and controversies driven by and relating to AI, algorithms and automation.

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Meaning Generator

Random concepts to help with creativity. Amazing what you can make with just three words

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Oh my word! Amazing. A full audio workstation that works in the browser, on Android and iOS.

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Interesting AI powered search engine, that uses Reddit as its info store, and summarizes disparate messages boards.

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Great image editor

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Zettlr is personal notebook, in which you use the Markdown format to create and link your notes together into a "Digital Garden" or Personal Knowledgebase. There are lots of tools like this (NotionAI, Obsidian, AnyType etc) but Zettlr has nice features, is free, and open.

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Image into audio

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Glitch Visualizer

Drop .mp3s onto this and enjoy

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Quickly adapt infograph templates to fit your data. Used to freemium and nice. Now you can't download. RUBBISH!

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Adobe ColorWheel

A tool to help you to choose a colour scheme

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Convert 3D model formats

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Alice 3

Amazing 3D tool. You can create scenes and interactions using Scratch-like coding.

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UVI Workstation

This free desktop app can make some interesting noises, and if you use the arpeggiator (ARP) then you can create almost ambient loops.

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Adobe Background Remover

Web-based. Remove backgrounds from images easily.

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Paint on a revolving canvas.

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Fantastic image editor

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Infinite Zoom Maker

Create an infinite zoom video. Although I never quite get what I want, the results are always interesting.

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This Word Does Not Exist

AI generates "new" words for you.

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Absolutely amazing little image mush-up tool. Go give it a whirl.

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Citizen DJ

This project takes media archive material and turns it into "beats". Worth a play....

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Style Transfer App

This tech demo shows Style Transfer being applied to your webcam or a picture you upload.  Lots more interesting demos <a href="">here</a>.

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Poetry Generator

Poetry Generator with Markov Chains

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Amazing tool to "play" a collection of samples whilst manipulating them.

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LIve editing of regular expressions.

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A great tool to make "polygonal" art. 

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An interesting toy to make a typography based artwork about how you feel.

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Chat GPT

The A.I that seems to be able to do almost magical things, except be funny.

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VR Puzzles

Collection of VR puzzles.

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Microsoft Designer

Microsoft's kind of Instagram nonsense creator (powered by AI)

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AI Whiteboard Workflow

Bizarre and brilliant tool... sort of a flowchart but for AI lumps and other stuff ... It turned my webcam into an image and described me as "slightly displeased". It made this story out of my webcam image. About right.

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Dreamlike Art

Another text-to-image tool

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A site that has a collection of, er, things. I think this would be a great site for ideation, or being creative but you will have to figure out how.

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A nice "infinite" whiteboarding tool

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Interesting colour theme maker.  

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Scribble on this strange Mondrian-like grid, click the samples below, and instant funky rhythms. 

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Collection of Oscillators for p5js

Useful if you are trying to code audio or animations.

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An audio editor VERY like Audacity, but in the brower.

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Draw a doodle then animate it with your webcam and body. Loads of fun.

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Design for Inclusivity Cards

The Cards for Humanity team have created this fabulous deck of cards to help you think about inclusive design.

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HTML Names Colour Wheel

A color-picker but for the names of HTML colours.


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Rath Data Visualisation

Interesting tool for automatically visualising disparate data.

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Although having some quirks, this tool let's you easily add backgrounds, characters and speech bubbles etc, OR use the in-built collection of graphics. Simple, but I like it.

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Rapidly build AI apps in Python Create web apps without the complexity of frontend development. Used at Google for rapid AI app development.

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Not sure I can get this to work, but it's a video editor and sequencer where all the assets are generated by AI (I think).

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Create a simple one page site

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A bit like Processing, a java-based creative coding enviroment

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A tool for kids 8yo+ to learn coding an interactive narrative game.

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Tonespace lets you play one note and intelligently augments what you’re playing with chords and arpeggios.

It connects via Midi (so to a synth or Garageband) and plays musically similar notes. Because it generates midi, you can “record” it and then use it in whatever DAW you are using.

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Character Generator

Creates characters, with characteristics you may use somehow.

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QR Code Generator

Python code to generate QR codes, even animated ones.

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As you type, A.I finds artefacts in its collection that matches what you have written.

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Doodle Place

A 3D world in which your doodles are automatically animated

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Amazing A.I. tool that lets you define the text for painted areas of an image. A.I then fills in and blends a generated image into the image you have uploaded.

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Text to Image Notebook (nsheppard's)

A slow, but create Google Colab Notebook that turns text into images.

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Amazing 3D sketching tool. It lets you push, pull and stretch a virtual piece of clay.

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Molecular Music Generator

Give this app a short piece of midi and it will generate a repeating generative version of it, Philip Glass style.

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Route Shuffle

Interesting map tool that generates new routes for your run or walk

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Mu is a "micro-framework". I like the idea. A way to make web apps that have authorisation and payments, but not much else.

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Convert JSON to SQL. Upload your JSON data, specify how you want your data to be mapped and they will convert it to a SQL file. Amazing

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Give A.I some words and Woolitze will make it in wool for you. Sort of.

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Pixel Thoughts

What's bothering you? Relax it away...

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Auto-poetry from Codita

...complete with random generative graphics

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Nice collection of both free and paid whiteboarding tools.

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Audio editor with loads of effects.

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Published in 1928, a "A New Method of Plot Suggestion for Writers of Creative Fiction".

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Make A Meme

Tool for creating memes.

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These Lyrics Do Not Exist

Warning: Profanity!  But, based on a training catalogue of lots of lyrics, this Machine Learning tool will take any subject and generate lyrics for you.

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An A.I tool that creates a slide presentation for you.

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Use A.I to create panoramic images. I made a birch forest. Not sure how useful this is.

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Shader Frong

Create complex GLSL special effects shaders, without coding.

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Live code P5.js code

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Really interesting image editor

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A search engine that only searches widely used discussion boards. No AI junk content (we hope!)

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Lovely interactive generative music tool. Make music like Brian Eno.

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Blackout Poetry Maker

Drop your text onto the screen and make your own. 

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A.I will write punchlines to joke prompts for you. All painfully unfunny.

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Spolin Bot

A bot responds to your messages.

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Interesting open source desktop tool that turns video information into audio. 

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Visual creative coding

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Add an image, it "noises" it up.

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List of Idioms

A brilliant list of idioms. For fun, pick one at random and "bend" it slightly to give it a different meaning.

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Face Morph 2

A brilliant tool to morph between two images. You plot the points, it generates a gif file.

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AI tools to generate songs, create tab files, generate lyrics etc.

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Remove Background

Quickly remove an image's background

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Mockup Generator

A tool that puts your image or artwork "on a wall"

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If you need to tag, or codify some text, looking for themes in transcripts, this free web-based tool is great.

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Medieval Murder Map

Fab map of murder in York.

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Make pattern and text influenced images with AI. I made a fish

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Infinite Drum Machine

Hundreds of samples for you to program into a rhythm

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Mage Space

Another A.I text-to-image tool

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Choo-choo World

A digital train track

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Describe the music you want, and let AI make it.

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Amazing map-making tool, currently with free options

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Amazing no-code way to make generative music using flow diagrams.

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Create GIFs and strange effects

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Music/audio hosting site.

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Animation tool with a freemium option.

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GD Colon

What if you could only use emojis to make music? Bonkers!

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A depth map creation tool

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Dungeon Map Doodler

A tool to create maps and mazes.

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Upload a picture and let artificial intelligence turn it into Anime. Here's me.

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YouTube Filter

Enter a Youtube URL and play with the sliders...

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MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia

Bring any photograph to life with A.I.

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Visual coding for web developers

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Generates music from parameters

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Easy online dictation. Speech to text

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Word Mover

Found poetry like you'd made on a fridge.

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A search engine that uses AI but can do interesting things with your results, such as "create me a timeline about xxx" or "give me alternatives to xxx" . Requires (Google) login.

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Mindful Harmony

A tool to compose or arrange unusual chords - and you can then save it in midi (maybe importing it into Garageband or BespokeSynth).

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Simple online 3D model maker.

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Pull two melodies apart and see what AI generates for you.

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Flag Maker

This wonderful flag making tool lets you start from all the world's flags, or add Wikimedia commons graphics.

See also, this catalogue of imaginary flags.

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Lots of standalone image tools. I like the kaleidoscope one.

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Create a comic from stock images

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YouiDraw Painter

Painting tool with some interesting brushes

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Girl Talk In A Box

This strange tool lets you load and control a music track

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Define a place with "just three words". Like Google Maps but poetic.

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Extract backing tracks from songs

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"Paint" with text, creating pyschedelic textures.

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Auto Complete Tune

Play the piano, hold down a note, it extends your melody

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Ossia Score

One of those apps for controlling and sequencing other things, apps, devices, etc by HTTP or OSC. Fascinating.

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VJ mixing tool. Free to use, but $349 to save your work.

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Zine Maker

Zine are small and often handmade, self-published magazines.

This tool is something I made so that you can draw all the pages and then download it and print on one A4 or A3 sheet. You can then fold it into an 8 page zine and colour it in.

The source code is here.

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Create consistent characters with AI

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Collection of ML Text To Image Tools

A collection of various text-to-image tools, often Google Colab files for creating unusual images.

Another few excellent tools here too (including a tool up upsize small images)

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Loved by data scientists and artists, this editor lets you code fabulous things

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Paint n Play

Cute painting app from the National Gallery... a bit KidPix-ish. Some lovely brushes

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Like a word cloud thingy, but better because it does concordance and you can navigate it. Go try it.

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Fantastic data-driven drawing and visualisation tool. For when you want to extract data from unstructured text. NOW OWNED BY MICROSOFT.

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Really unusual paint tool.

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Art project that generates a poem and image for you.

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Fabulous web-based animation and game-making tool

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A Million Short

A search engine that removed the first million results - or what Google would give you - and instead rummages around in the "less popular corners" or the internet. Free for 100 searches.

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Crazy livecoding tool for visual effects. Learn a few functions, chain them together, and boom! Crazy!

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Google Tour Creator

Create VR tours from Google Street View or 3D images.

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Minimator SVG

Nice little SVG doodling app. A sort of join the dots way of working, maybe for making plans.

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A site to learn how to code

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Latent Cycles

Start the beats and beeps, let it play on.

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Nimp is like Apple Quartz Designer, or Touch Designer. A web-based flow diagram image editor. Interesting.

Lots of high end GLSL graphics tools use this model to create special effects, this tool might be a good introduction to the concepts.

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Make gifs and images with a heap of bizarre effects

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A simple GUI library for python

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Tool that uses A.I to upscale the size of smaller images, hopefully without losing detail

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Based on Hypercard, this web-based authoring tool looks great. Except the Lil language is, er, not to my taste at all... And you can't (or I can't) just make a stack's size to be fullscreen... and why the hell does the UI fetishize Hypercard, rather than ape it brilliance. I could imagine making wonderful 1bit stuff with this, but it's LOCKED into recreating zombie Hypercard stacks rather than giving them new life. (imo)

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Drawing With Sound

Your drawing generates sounds

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Nostalgic to oldies... one of the best computer paint programs ever

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Fairly complex programming for Digital Signal Processing (making crazy sounds)

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Make music with visual flow diagram programming. Amazing.

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Old skool synthesis, pulling out and plugging in wires. Interesting because you can type notes using strange notation.

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AI makes whatever keys you tap sound good (based on music it knows about)

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Annotate the web, share your findings.

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Very nice browser-based audio editor, has echo, reverb etc effects.

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Pure Data

Pure data is a visual programming tool to manipulate audio, images and videos. This is the free alternative to Max/MSP.

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Amazing tool to generate ambient music.

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Really interesting online video maker. I made one from an article I'd written.

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Watermark Remover

Remove annoying watermarks from images.

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An A.I tool to generate textures for 3D models

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Jpeg Glitch

Glitch your images into oblivion

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Rowboat CSV Explorer

Drop a CSV or Excel file on this app and your data becomes interestingly presented.

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Benthos Studio

A BETA stream and data editing and routing tool, like Yahoo Pipes I guess.

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Fabulous Scratch-based authoring system (on mobile) that has better connection to the devices gyroscope, camera, light etc.

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Totally crazy audio experience. Choose some words then travel in a universe made of those sound samples.

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Alpaca Ai

One of those doodle-and-prompt-to-image AI things. The prompt for this was "a fierce and scary cartoon rat"... and er...

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Phrase It

Create speech bubbles

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EasyGraph is a super-simple (I think) graph database for Python.

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Create a stylish web site for free.

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Adobe Spark

Create beautiful web pages.

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Mosaic is a visual thinking toolkit made by artists, for artists. It is a visual patching creative-coding tool.

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Small database for Javascript dev... looks like it might be powerful and useful to use on It's SQLite under the hood but has things like authentication which appeals to me as a hobby dev.

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Wow, from the maker of Photopea, a tool to edit vectors

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DALL·E mini

A text to image tool. I put in "Digital Skills and Creativity at the University of York" and got this.

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Unusual Russian tool for designing interactive narratives or story plots. You enter characters, and locations and plot points, linking them together.

At the end, you can export as a .csv file. 

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Mansion Generator

Generates animated 3D mansions... really unusual.

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Collection of A.I Tools

Another huge collection of A.I tools

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Really Interesting Javascript-based live-coding music site.

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Batch Image Tools

Tools to adjust batches of images, such as face removal (this looks handy)

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Easily create your own maps with scribbles on

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Bespoke Synth

I'm in love. Bespoke Synth is a way to make music and sounds using a visual flow diagram metaphor. Never have I had more fun. This tool is fabulous and free. 

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An interest AI tool. I used it for generating ideas and it sort of tells you what it is going to do, and why in order to reach its goal, iteratively. Odd, but it did a good job.

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Knightlab Map

Create stories that refer to a map or place.

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Create a "talking heads" video using artificial intelligence, in multiple languages.

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Free video editing tool. Linux only

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Vector resources for logos and designs

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Nice simple painting app, with lovely brushes.

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An online music sequencer that is pretty amazing AND A.I generation of tunes and chord progressions is built in. Amazing!

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Is a fantastic tool to create zoomable presentations. When artfully used you can simply add a heap of pzazz to a simple presentation. 

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Grist is a spreadsheet-relational-database hybrid (like Baserow and NoCoDB). I like these no-code/low-code products because for most people (i.e not enterprises) a relational DB makes a lot of sense, but in terms of tools and UX they are awful, so people use spreadsheets and lose "relationalability". 

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Neon drawing. A bit slow.

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A 3D modelling tool, which is allegedly easy-to-use. Not tried it yet.

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Create your own cartoons

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Brilliant text tool. Write, or paste in a few paragraphs of text. This tool then translates it to and from lots of languages, bending the words into similar but strange reflections of the original.

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Nice code editor that you can live code with other people, and chat as you all type.

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100 Random Things

This tool will generate a 100 things for you.

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Create videos from images easily

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ScatterPatter's Incorrect Quotes Generator

Use this dialogue tool to "begin a conversation". 

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Rational Keyboard

Play an unusual rational keyboard. Very eno.

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Lots of interesting brushes

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Background Burner

Remove backgrounds from images online

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Arcade Makecode

A block-coding/javascript tool (like Scratch) aimed at creating games for things like Raspberry Pi (small computers)

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Nestup is an experimental markup language for musical rhythms. It's specifically designed to break away from a fixed musical grid. The name is a contraction of nested tuplets, which are hard to program on a piano roll but easy to notate with Nestup.

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Isolate vocals or drums from a music track to get your own "clean" samples.

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A Frame

A web framework for building virtual reality experiences

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Collaboratively create HUGE pixel art.

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Goblin ToDo

Interesting take on a to-do list that the ADHD adjacent may like. Add a task and it breaks it down into smaller ones for you

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KREA Realtime

You have to join a waitlist, but when you're in, as you doodle, an AI image is generated in realtime. Fun!

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Boxy SVG

Web-based, easy to use vector editor

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Interesting take on spreadsheets, where each sheet is a connectable block/table.

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Study Crafter

An amazing tool to create interactive games with a flow-coding interface, but equally could be used to make training materials. The primary use for this tool is to collect research data about what choices people made.


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No-code app builder on top of your database, or Google Sheet. Like Google's AppSheet.

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A skeleton-based way to generate comic or realistic characters, or motion with AI

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ADHD Task App

A task helper app, aimed at ADHD peeps. There may be AI in there too (pretty much a given nowadays). Looks interesting.

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AI generates an audio article on the subject of your choosing

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Sketch Machine

Doodle yourself an animated gif. Good fun!

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Really nice collaborative whiteboard.

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Face/Hand/Body Tracking p5Sketch

Excellent p5js sketch that makes camera tracking a lot easier.

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Book Creator

Aimed at educators, Book Creator has a REALLY GOOD comic creator. Easy to use, and has nice speech bubbles and POW! things. AND you can export to ebooks. This really is nice.

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An interesting tool. It's like a wizard for sonification. 

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Requires Flash. Really interesting drone/soundtrack generator... Creating a moody filmtrack? This might be useful.

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Create immersive soundscapes

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Musical Chord Progression Arpeggiator

Change the parameters and make music, sort of.

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Lots of example text-based A.I apps that you can use to help your ideas along. If you like what they do, you could maybe integrate that feature via an API into your app.

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Designed for kids (and very like p5js), BitBox is great for learning coding. It has lots of "stamps" and sounds built in.

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Make Animations From Images

Upload a drawing, and this tool turns it into an animation. Fun!

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Adobe Spark Video

Quickly create fun videos

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Interesting tool to search YouTube for interesting samples to steal.

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GameMaker is now FREE! And it has visual as well as textual coding. Interesting!

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Gitmind - Mind Maps

A really nice, free, mindmap tool.

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Interactive fiction platform. Not tried this yet.

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Not free, but you can use it developer mode to create compelling image-based Augmented Reality experiences. Great tool

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Fabulous vector image editor.

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If you are speaking to camera, this may help.

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Monster Mash

A really easy and fun 3D animation tool. Draw a character, inflate it, then animate it by moving the points.

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Love At First Line

Interesting. Choose your next book by its first line.

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Graph Commons

Easy to use network graph visualisation tool

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A "what to draw" idea generation tool

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Tokking Heads Avatar Animator

Choose or upload an avatar and animate it to your soundtrack.

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Ambient Mixer

Create background soundscapes

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Interesting "chat with yourself" note-taking app

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Self Hosted Tools

Fabulous collection of server software you can host yourself, if you are a geek who is that way inclined.

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Synfig is a professional animation tool.

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"Esoteric" generative music coding tool. Can be a challenge to set up, it works with midi, but is so intriguing to use.

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Vertex Meadow

Really interesting tool. You can upload an image, and that image becomes the landscape in a 3D VR world.

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A node-based framework for creating sophisticated card games.

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Brilliant storyboard tool. Plan your next movie.

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Touch Designer

Visual coding to create amazing visual effects and project mapping projects.

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Listen to radio from different countries, from different decades.

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Have I Been Trained

A tool that purpotedly tells you if your image has been used to train AI. Not sure if it works, but it's return interesting results anyway.

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Freesound Loop Generator

Search for sounds and create unusual loops of samples.

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Create your own fonts

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Create stories that compare maps.

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AI drawing demo

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AI that generates vector graphics.

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Five Minute Poem

The Five Minute Poem gives you prompts, but also has a ticking clock.... "don't over think it!" Brilliant!

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Visual coding to create amazing visual effects and project mapping projects.

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Noises Online

Create immersive soundscapes, free wav download

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Create 2D games without coding. 

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These tools never work. This one worked perfectly, converting a few pages of Javascript with Cheerio code, to Python with BeautifulSoup code.

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Really interesting collaborative Processing (but the Python version) code editor. Useful for teaching?

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Map of Woodlands

Map of ancient woodlands UK.

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AIVA - AI Music Generation

This tool generates music (based on parameters) in lots of different genres and you get three free downloads. You can get a mixed .mp3 or midi file. Very impressive.

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Have fun with a strange digital choir

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Constraint Systems

A really interesting collection of image tools to do really unusual things. Worth a play. Go make art.

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Tabletop simulators

The White Box is a collection of bits n pieces with which you can prototype your game. The Tabletop simulator is a digital game-maker.

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Pencil 2D

Lovely desktop animation tool with onion skinning.

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Face The Music

Play music with your face.

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QR Art Coder

Add photographs to QR codes?

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Text To Image Notebook

Google Colab Notebook to generate images from text

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A really power API for getting words to generate stories etc.

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Fabulous design tool.

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A.I Sprite Sheet Generator

I made a "duck walking" sprite sheet. Could be useful for animation.

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Pattern Collider

A strange tool for creating symettrical patterns

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Online OCR

Upload a picture of text, and get the text out.

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Lovely painting tool.

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Blockscad 3d

Use Scratch-like block coding to generate 3D objects

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Really interesting painting tool, with calligraphy

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Quirky, and with annoying ads, but still worth a play. This simple paint tool really mimics drippy paint - without the mess.

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Puppets App

Genius. Webcam app that uses your hands like puppets.

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Weird old Book Finder

An unusual search engine that old returns one, weird, old book.

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Quickly create and annotate various types of maps

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Fun tool with which to explore microtonal tunings, and you can even send it to midi.

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Stamper for p5js

A modular and visual way to edit p5js code.

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Paint to make sounds.

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Exactly like Photoshop of old, but in the browser.

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Godot Engine

Free, open source games development environment. One day, I'll get round to having a go with Godot.

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Erasure Poetry Tool

Using pre-selected texts, create blackout poetry.

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Like JSFiddle, great for learning HTML/CSS/JS

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Talk To Transformer

See how a modern neural network completes your text. Type a custom snippet and see what is generated

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Fridge Poetry

Drag words to make your own poem

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Colour Collage Maker

Upload an image and this will create you multiple colour schemes based on the colours in the image.

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A utility that converts audio, movies and images into various formats. Looks useful.

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Create 3D objects with block-coding.

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Adobe Firefly (Beta)

Adobe's web-based text to image tool. At the time of writing free and beta.

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Collection of A.I Tools

Huge collection of A.I tools.

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Accessible Brand Colors

Is your colour scheme accessible?

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Add some keywords and a genre and AI creates a pretty awful song :-)

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CC Image Search Bookmarklet

Fabulous little bookmarklet that makes searching for CC images easy.

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SVG Edit

Nice, simple, free, open source, web-based SVG vector editor.

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This tool doesn't do it for you, but helps you make it easier to transcribe a video by hand.

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Freesound Timbral Explorer

Search for sounds (on Freesound) they "play" similar sounds.

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Excellent infographic tool.

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A visual flow-based coding tool for generative art.

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Lovely little flipbook animation maker (slight shame about the gridlines. See also Pencil, the desktop app)

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Generative AI for Krita

Add AI to the free image editor

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Spark AR

A desktop tool with which you can create 3D Augmented Reality apps that do face tracking and other cool AR features. You can create interactive patches using a visual flow language or code in Javascript.

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Groove Pizza

Create crazy beats with Groove Pizza

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Huge Collection of A.I Tools

Large directory of A.I based tools.

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A lovely collection of tools for web developers

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Explore 10 years of sound in the most bizarre way

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The Greats

Create your protest artwork, and give it to the community to use. Interesting idea.

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Python tool for data wranging of .csv files

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Pixlr Express

A more "Instagram-like" version of this fanstastic image editor with some funky effects

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Artist Averager

Interesing tool that finds musical artists BETWEEN two artists.

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Let A.I evolve you a picture. Great fun and you get some weird stuff.

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A web-based code-to-music tool, like Sonic Pi (ish) but web-based and using Python or Javascript.

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Fabulous vector drawing and prototyping tool

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GSN Composer

Visual node-based graphics editor

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Minimalist distraction-free text editor. For when you just need to get on with it.

This tool also lets you save to Google Drive or to your desktop.

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I entered "Spooky high contrast Silver birch trees at night atmospheric lighting" and got this.

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Thing Translator

Works on a laptop or mobile. Point your camera at something and AI tell you what it is (hopefully) AND translates it for you.

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Live hacking of CSS code. Greate for learning.

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Write interactive narrative fiction (the online version). Create your own adventure game!

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Online Sequencer

Work with midi files online

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Make lovely abstract background images

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Totally easy way to make crazy graphic effects.

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See fab visualisations and animations and begin hacking them.

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Collection of ML Tools for Art

Great collection of Machine Learning for Art projects, all with code samples.

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An app with which to make AR (Mac)

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An excellent vector graphics editor, that leans towards creating design mockups.

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With some Hypercard influence (if you can even have that in a markup language)... this looks very interesting... A coding framework for making web pages that sees the return of me and it. I made this in no time at all.

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AI QR Code Creator

Make QR codes, but draped in AI-generated imagery.

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Really interesting text visualisation tool

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Video Editor.

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Acoustic Atlas

Do you want to hear what your voice would sound like in the Temple of Love in the Taj Mahal? Of course you do. You'll need headphones for this.

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The N+7 Machine

Mashup your text with the N+7 method

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ChatGPT Prompting

Useful tool to guide your prompt for ChatGPT.

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Musical Algorithms

Generate midi from data

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Lovely free, web-based tele-prompter, or autocue. Really helpful if you're recording a voice track.

It even has mirroring so you can hold a sheet of glass, and reflect onto it, looking straight at the camera. Nice.

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Really nice REPL for lots of languages which might be useful for teaching or learning coding.

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The Dungeon Maker

Reload the page and a new map of a dungeon is created for you. Amazing.

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Wonderful image editor

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Thousands of writing prompts. Try one.

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Nice flipbook animation tool, but NO EXPORT option. Also requires Flash.

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Fabulous, free, AR making tool. 

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Wombo Art

A really nice style transfer thingy. You type in a sentence and it makes an image.

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Hit Film Express

Free and very professional desktop video editor.

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Create animated explainer videos, animations and more easily. I made this movie ident in a few seconds

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Keyboard Cam

A keyboard you can play with your face

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List of AI video tools

Useful spreadsheet of AI video tools

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Enhance Audio with Adobe

Not tried this, but it supposedly attempts to improve poor quality audio.

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Open Refine

A tool to clean up your messy or disorganised data files.

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Shader Booth

Environment to code GLSL shaders.

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Noun Project

Vector resources for logos and designs

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A.I drawing assistant. You rough out your sketch, let A.I add the detail.

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Neural Beatbox

Record some audio, analyze then generate rthyms

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Turn your doodles into, er, pictures

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Script Monkey

Not sure if this works, or if my story ideas suck. Probably both.

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Professional animation tool

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Build "hand drawn" animations

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Music Livecoding tool that runs in the browser, AND can display Hydra visualisation

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Tree FM

Listen in to various forests.

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A.I generated music from images. Amazing, listen to some of the interpolation between sounds...hypnotic.

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Zine or magazine creation tool

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Machine Learning Controllers

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Not sure if this works. I want it to. A.I to help you write jokes

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Rasturbator is fabulous tool. It chops up your image so that you can print it on twenty or thirty pages, glue them together to fill an entire wall.

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Voyant Tools

Voyant is a great tool that takes text and generates word frequencies and tag clouds.

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Interesting dev/coding tool. Slingcode is a personal computing platform in a single html file. You can make, run, and share web apps with it. You don't need any complicated tools to use it, just a web browser. You don't need a server, hosting, or an SSL certificate to run the web apps.

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Replay AI

Desktop AI app to alter vocal tracks in music tracks. So replace Thom Yorke with Spongebob... or something.

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Full audio midi workstation

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A search engine that prefers and returns older sites.

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Quickpoint Author

Really interesting way to make slides quickly, with text (NOTE: THIS ISN'T LIKE POWERPOINT AT ALL) a bit like Markdown.

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AI to Midi

Upload an audio track, get midi back. You might have to split audio in basic tracks into instruments with a different tool (maybe or

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A Javascript-based creating coding framework.

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Magic Poser

Like those jointed wooden toys that animators, or artists use to see what a body in a certain position might look like.

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Easy way to record or host audio

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Incredible vector, image and SVG editor. Wow. Open source and free. Very like Photoshop, Vectorpea etc.

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No better place to start learning to code than with Scratch.

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JSON Editor

View JSON data as a tree. Very useful.

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Tayasui Sketches

Fabulous sketching app for iOS and Android.

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AR Studio

Tools to help you create Augmented experiences.

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A tool where A.I tries to reveal the meanings of songs.

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Your World Of Text

Create your own URL - I made myworldofnonsense, and you have a "live" editable grid you can share with collaborators.

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Gravit Designer

Vector and drawing editor

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Microsoft sway is an excellent tool for assembling multimedia into a media-rich article.

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Turtle Toy

Make arty visualisations and learn Javascript at the same time.

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Type and your words become notes

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MIT AppInventor

Create mobile apps using "block-coding"

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Create textual interactive narrative adventure games easily.

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An incredible number of visualisation of data types. 

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Comic Factory

Let AI make your comic for you

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Fun mobile app (Android, iOS) with which you can make quirky games.

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Connected Papers

Search for an academic paper, and explore a network diagram of related papers.

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Generate random words to use as a creative prompts

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Another Python framework for creating webapps

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A search engine that doesn't return the obvious, well known, high ranking results, but instead returns unpopular, obscure, less visited pages. Go find weird stuff you couldn't before.

See this <a href="">random</a> link.

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Python library to generate nicely styled web pages

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Web Audio Sequencer

Another strange tool. Search for sounds, add them, and then draw on the timeline grid to play them to create unusual beats and soundtracks.

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p5 Brush

Library for p5js to create interesting paint tools

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An A.I powered tool that paraphrases, summarizes and improves your textual content.

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Freesound Timeline

Strange tool that takes the popular sounds from Freesound and turns them into an automatic soundscape.

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Image Texter

Make text into an image

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A tool to create very interesting maps

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Visual flow diagram like tool, a bit like Max MSP for generating audio and visual media.

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An app-making, dataflow tool.

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H20 Wave

ANOTHER great-looking Python platform for making web apps. There seems to be a glut of these lately.

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Free UX tool.

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Handel is a small procedural programming language for writting songs in browser.

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A tool that turns any audio file into midi.

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The Vistorian

Incredible "end-user" tool for visualistion network graphs.

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Osmosis Drone Generator

Create pleasant background sounds

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Find short video clips that SAY what you search for.

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Visual creative coding.

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GPT Infinite Radio

Describe the music you want, and this make it (kinda)

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Emoji Kitchen

Tool to make your own emojis from existing emojis.

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Mix Soundcloud and Youtube track on two decks

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Visual Anagrams

Unusual. WIth a Google Colab too.

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3D Street Maker

A tool to create a 3D street

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Little Sis

Brilliant site that is a mixture of a database of people and corporations and governments etc. and tools to "connect the dots" between them.

For example, take a look at How Fracking Special Interests Infiltrate the UK Parliament

See also: My Little Crony

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Web Midi Keyboard

A FULL midi keyboard (that you can use your computer keys with). Useful

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Mr Data

Convert tabular data (.csv) into json

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Playground A.I

Great text-to-image tool that uses Stable Diffusion or Dall-e.

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A web app making flatform that hosts from node.js, but your code is pure Python. Interesting.

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Fork, hack and host your projects. Learn from other people's code

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Create your own pulp fiction cover. Loads of fun.

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Nice drawing and painting tool

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Impressive BETA web-based video editor

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Search YouTube Transcripts - Filmot

Disaster of an interface, but a nice tool that searches YouTube transcripts for what you want.

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Like Audacity, but web-based. Easily edit audio.

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Musenet takes an "intro" and then "evolves" it with AI in different styles such as Beatles, Mozart or Bluegrass. Interestingly you can upload your own custom midi track and let it evolve that too.

I tried adding a file created by Computoser as a starting point, and I think it made it more Beatles-y but it's hard to tell. Doesn't have a download option.



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Extract Tracks From Audio

A tool to isolate tracks from an MP3 file.

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Random Animal Generator

Generates a number of random animals for you. If you dig around, it can also generate places, flags, food and lots more.

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Collection of Text-based AI Colab Tools

A github repository of LOTS of Google Colab notebooks for doing text-based A.I.

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Instant Logo Creator

Enter your brand name and A.I creates your logo(s).

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Turn images into large printable posters

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Studio D

Not free, but you get 14 days trials and you can either select a character, or upload a photo and get A.I to generate a video of them speaking your text. Pretty freaky.

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Unususual musical toy.

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Colouring London

A coloured map of London showing different attributes. Not finished yet.

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A sort of random-clips-of-youtube sequencer. Totally nuts.

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Turns your webcam into an effects booth.

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Python-driven web application tool. Looks great.

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Google My Maps

Make and annotate your own maps

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Pretty amazing voice generation A.I

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Web-based creative coding environment. But this one uses the LISP programming language.

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Chinese Landscape Generator

This tool generates lovely Chinese ink scrolls of landscapes.

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Comic AI

An AI that makes comics from your textual stories, but doesn't seem to be able to imagine an old, bald, fat badly dressed character.

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Need help creating a name for something out of other words? This app lets you add a number of words then makes all the alternatives for you.

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Quite advanced video editing. 

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Super simple video editing

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An incredible music making app. And it sends to midi. Wow!

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Interesting web-based animation editor

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The spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes? A visual online-data piping tool for getting data, processing mainly news data and re-publishing data. I used to love Pipes back in the day. Back then a lot more data was a lot easier to get to via RSS, XML and open APIs.

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Find places based on what you draw

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It's only a demo, but it is lovely.

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Tools for better thinking.

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How far can you go by train in 5h?

How far can you get in 5h, on a train.

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Cut Up Machine

Enter text and it scrambles it up

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A coding-for-kids environment, with Scratch-like block coding, or indeed Javascript and Python for more ambitious projects. Also has "Parent" mode. Free 

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Guitar riffs to mix n match

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Trio Choir

Lovely harmony toy or keyboard thingy

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Move sliders and buttons to make art. Cute.

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Amazing Google Colab notebook that takes a single image (of a body of some kind) and turns it into a 3D model (.obj)

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Text-to-video tool on Hugginface.

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Virtual Graph Paper

A drawing tool that is like a notepad with graph paper.

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Create PDF posters for printing from your image.

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Russia /Ukraine War Map

Media reports (tweets etc) of the conflict on a map.

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Be Creative

If you select your problem type, Be Creative will then suggest creative methodologies for you to use.

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Play music with your web cam

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Very strange sound creator.

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Unusual word counting "make you write" app.

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Uberduck is a sophisticated text-to-speech tool.

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No sooner does a new technology arrive, than someone tries to leech money out of it. A site to BUY prompts for A.I.

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Shared Piano

Play piano with other people, live. Amazing.

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Ooh directory

A directory like the olden days of Yahoo. The new blogs category is

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Spiral Keyboard

A spiral piano keyboard

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Callooh! Callay! A HyperCard clone that doesn't suck AND has programming in Python (rather than HyperTalk). Brilliant!

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Text to music and rap lyrics A.I

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Textable is an Add-on to a really interesting visual tool call Orange3. With them together you can do textual or data analysis and shaping, and filtering, WITHOUT coding. 

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Veed is an easy to use video editor, with which you can edit YouTube videos,  along with your own content.

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Webcam to character fun. Choose a character, then make it dance by dancing.

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Creative writing prompt tools

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Oblique Strategies online

A nice version of oblique strategies, but online.

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Exactly AI

Interest AI, where you can upload 15ish images and then generate more similar images. The freemium option is a bit stingy, but interesting nonetheless.

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Twitter Video Downloader

This tool can help you download a video from a tweet.

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Shaders are the code that runs complex computer graphics. Cables is a visual language to create shaders. Now has desktop apps too.

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Wrong Covid (Timegraphics)

This particular timeline has a collection of disgraceful peoples' pronouncements surrounding Covid, from Toby Young to Julia Hartley-Brewer.

But the tool itself, is a pretty amazing tool for creating timelines, with features such as being able to import from Google Calendar.

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Google Tour Builder

Create tours around Google VR spaces

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Write long form articles.

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Open-source database/spreadsheet tool that offers something between a relational database and a spreadsheet, like NoCoDB. 

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My favourite bookmarking, or tagging, app. Others include Pocket, Pinterest, Pinboard etc. With these, using any account (both your Chrome personal account, and York account) you can save a bookmarks, and even on your mobile device too. AND you can annotate PDF etc. I have used the free version for over 10 years.

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Best RSS reader (freemium is great) imo. See also Feedly - but they've gone off the boil for me.

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Get help with your grammar skills

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Turns your web pages or articles into video. Amazing

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Space Type Generator

Loads of fun generating animated typography with sliders galore.

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Visual coding of connected devices (including Google Sheets)

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Create consistent characters with AI

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Deep Dream

Make your images psychedelic

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Openverse: Creative Common Search

An updated Creative Commons search engine (sponsored by Wordpress). Much better.

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Audio transcription and annotation tool.

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Boomy is A.I. that automatically generates music in various genres. And as an added extra you can upload a vocal audio and it will bend it to the melody.

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Image resizing for social media

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MIT App Inventor

MIT App Inventor is a block-coding tool with which you can create downloadable Android applications as .apk files, FOR FREE!


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Google Data Studio

Connect to your data source and create an interactive dashboard visualiation

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Clone Dub

Translate audio into a different language and keep the same voice (with AI)

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Word Tree

Branching concordance, discover the structures in text.

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Edit audio files, trim, copy, paste, reverse and add effects such as reverb.

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Tahti Studio

If I'm honest I have no idea, but it sounds gorgeous.

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Electric Zine Maker

Pay your own price for this great downloadable zine-making app. This has to be the winner of THE CRAZIEST APP ever. It's really good fun. 


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Walking Poem

A really interesting idea. Not sure if it is a map or not. Is it a poem? Give it a whirl.

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Opus Drumkit

Unusually little drumkit / beatmaker.

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Machine Learning For The Web

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Creative writing prompt tools

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A semantic search engine for ancient text.

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3D Painter

Unusual toy with which you can paint in 3D on a disappearing canvas. Interesting.

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Sound Maker

A keyboard that let's you create sounds halfway between a cat and a trombone

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Bright Sparks

This tool selects a random person for you to use as a creative prompt, and then asks leading questions to help you develop your ideas.

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Create animated explainer videos, whiteboard videos and dynamic typography videos.

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Our World In Data

A site with lots of visualisation of world date, here, "obesity"

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With FastHTML you create good-looking modern web applications in pure Python and deploy them in minutes.

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Type an music and visuals just happen.

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A full, multi-track sequencing tool.

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Der Bunt

Colour theme tool

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Storytelling Resources

Huge collection of links to resources and tools related to storytelling.

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Online coding in various languages and environments

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Very strange, minimal, game authoring thingy for making "minimal narratives"

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Faust Playground

Start audio processing with a flow diagram like language in the browser. OMG! Amazing!

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Minimal Browser-based Instruments

Can you make music with 3 unusual instruments?

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A tool that "relights" a photo using A.I

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Split vocals from a music track.

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Key Chords

Discover new chord progressions. Requires Flash.

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Create comics with AI. I like the fact that panels are separate, and bubbles are editable.

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Create a stylish web site for free.

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Midi City

Play some cool sounds and drums with your computer keyboard

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Aesthetic Generator

Nice character generator, or a good tool if you want a nom de plume perhaps.

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Redact Photos

If you need to hide all the faces in a photo, this app will help.

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A.I Text-to-image tool. Nice results (formerly DALL-E)

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3D Streetmap

OpenStreetMap now has a lovely 3D view. I like its look...

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Draw A Poem

Hack this code and then "draw your words".

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Mercury Playground

Interesting. A web-based audio/music coding environment (a bit like many others) written in Ojack's Hydra (Javascript).

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Point In History

Brilliant map tool that shows which dynasties and empires have owned that land over time.

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Wonderful image editor

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A fabulous (local first) note-taking app, for your fragments of ideas, diary, notes, thoughts etc. One of the best "personal knowledgebase gardening" wiki tools I've seen. There are also to-do lists.

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Color Journey

Strange tool to "travel" through colour space.

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Aphantasia Colab Notebook

Text-to-Image Google Colab notebook. Run all the code sections, add your text, and get an image AND a movie.

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Series Rankings

Discover how your favourite TV shows episodes are ranked on IMDB.

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Canva Comic Maker

Canva's Comic tool, with loads of great templates is fantastic. Start from a layout and you can drag in your graphics.