Go play!

These are the sites used as examples to go and experience and have a think. Most are worth a visit in themselves, they will give you ideas about you might make next.

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A Year At The British Academy

Pick a year and learn about what was current then.

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5 Artists Who Are Masters of Glitch Music

One of the strange aspects of technology, whether analogue or digital, is its tendency to glitch. The ghost in the machines, as it were. With music software in particular, glitch and error have become desirable ingredients in sound design and musical composition.

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Make It Pop Cards

Like Oblique Strategies, these cards are a great "game" for making you come up with something creative.

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Archive Of Lamppost Stickers

Lovely collection of street art stickers.

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Hospitality Things

Just a marvellous collection of hotel-y things.

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Amazing collection of film posters

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Models of Interactive Narratives

Nice explanation of how interactive narrative games/experiences can be structured.

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What is CryptoArt?

Really interesting article explaining some of the ideas and concepts behind CryptoArt.

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Humanity is...

Ai Weiwei project and book.

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Database of interactive fiction (IF), lots available for free or as apps.

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Old Operating Theatre

Probably not for the sqeamish (I am, so got to page two) but it's an interactive narrative about a victorian operating theatre. Warning: This story is inspired by a real historical case and contains graphic descriptions of injury and surgery.

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AI Social Media

It's a social media site but all the content is generated by AI.

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Limeric Night

Limerick-based interactive narrative horror puzzle

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Abandon Normal Strategies

Based on Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies, this art project evolves it based on living through current times 

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Emma's Journey

Interactive narrative about the environment

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Atlas of Intangibles

Quite lovely collection of odd stuff on the street.

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Web Trigrams

What words, follow which words...

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Making numbers louder

Excellent article that links to a number of projects working in the area of sonification, turning data into sounds.

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Ambient Artists List

Explore a pick of ambient artists, including my fave, Nurse With Wound

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Generate Husband

Er, not quite sure what this is, but I discovered the kind of husband I don't want pretty quickly.

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The Temple Of No

Fun and fantastic example of what can be done with the form of interactive narrative in Twine.  

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Museum of Retro Technology

Explore lots of old machines and devices. 

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Collection of Visual Programming Languages

Amazing collection of visual coding tools

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Poems In The Air

A project you can only experience by walking Hadrian's Wall

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A Year In Lyrics

An interesting quantified self project in which Eric visualise the lyrics of all the songs he's listened to in numerous interesting ways

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Great List of Games

53 best browser games you can play for free.

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Brian Foo

Brian Foo's site has lots of interesting art/comp sci crossover projects, working with archival material and producing both visual and audio works. Go explore.

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Bird Migrations

Visualisations in story form

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Herzog Chats with Zizek

As stand up goes... A.I generates a conversation between two intellectual heavyweights.

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Tbh, I'm not sure what this. Make your own isometric room. Odd, but well done.

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Ambient Co-presence

Interesting article on kinda working together apart.

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Map of London Trees

Interesting visualisation.

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Google Maps Roadtrip

A road-trip is re-created using Google Maps Street View

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Market Map

Visualisation of businesses and money

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Orb Farm

Daphnia virtual fish tank pet.

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Chapbooks at the British Library

Chapbooks were small, affordable forms of literature for children and adults that were sold on the streets, and covered a range of subjects from fairy tales and ghost stories to news of politics, crime or disaster.

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Public Access Memories

Bizarre and fun internet art gallery. All sorts in here. Go for an explore.

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Sound Effect Story

Simple but wonderful example of telling a story using only sound effects from Freesound.org

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Wonders of StreetView

The strange stuff found on Google Street View, including this brutalist treehouse.

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Bring Me My Fire Truck

Interactive online animation of William Blake’s Jerusalem running through the 24 official languages of the European Union, Scots Gaelic and Welsh via Google Translate.

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Museum of Failure

Fabulous collections of things that never made it.

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Jazz Computer

Strange scrolling music piece

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Simulation of a nuclear bomb's effects.

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Brilliant, video heavy interactive narrative created with Twine. The story of ELA takes place in a fictive scenario in near-future. In this future the so-called ALGOs are responsible for the administration of cities.

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Really interesting project making use of eInk. Cards that can change what is on them.

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AI Dungeon(s)

AI generates text adventure dungeons for you to play.

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Inspiring stories of people over-coming self-doubt and fear.

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Nice and simple strategy game about a trader crossing the Gobi desert.

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Edinburgh Collage Collective

Brilliant collection of montage work.

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Flags of Inequality

Excellent visualisation of LGBT+ inequality by nationality

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Mushroom Colour Atlas

Almost a paint colour chart of fungi. "The Mushroom Color Atlas is a living study of color derived from mushrooms"

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Huge Collection of Posters

Lots of old posters.

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Every Single Frame

Explore movies frame by frame in random order from critically acclaimed films to gain a new perspective on the art of cinematography.

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Enter a word, it *dreams* you a painting

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In textual studies, a palimpsest is a manuscript page, either from a scroll or a book, from which the text has been scraped or washed off so that the page can be reused for another document.

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Find the wildly meandering connections between wiki items

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Print Patterns

Just a lovely collection of print designs.

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Made With Twine

Interactive narrative games made with Twine. Go play with these then make your own.

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Music Events At Uni of York

Always something strange and alluring coming up at York.

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The Structure of Stand-up Comedy

Really interesting breakdown of the text of a comedy performance.

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River Runner

Amazing. Click anywhere on earth and watch the route a raindrop would take to the sea.

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Made With Twine

A huge collection, many free of games, comics and novels written with Twine.

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Call To Idea

Examples of different web page designs, organised

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Earth 2050

This site shares predictions from around the world.

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Webcam Poetry

A scene and a poem, changed hourly

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Interesting article on writing with A.I, using it to augment rather than generate or polish ideas.

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Fantastic List of Generative Tools

From creating maps, to languagues, to dungeons or artwork, this list has lots of generative tools to help you. There are end-user tools, code frameworks, free tools, paid tools and lots I'd never heard of.

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Explore music genres

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Poetry Sound Library

Poets reading their work

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Salvador Dali Deep Fake

The museum employed deepfake technology by analyzing archival footage of Dalí and digitally superimposing his face over an actor with similar body proportions. The museum also hired a voice actor to mimic Dalí’s distinctive Spanish accent. The result is an interactive experience for visitors, where no two guests will ever have the same experience.

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Actual Real Time Machine

A virtual time-machine experience.

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Interactive Historical Atlas

A map, that you can go back in time with.

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Viking Invasion Visualisation

Scene-by-scene visualisation of the Norse invasion.

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The Daily Create

Short digital creative prompts, with people sharing their creations via hashtags. Something new to do almost every day. Go there and give one a go.

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Explore mars data as 3D models

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Coldspotting AR

Video of leaving trails of wifi strength in AR.

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My Little Crony

Wonderful visualisation of connections, companies and corruption with UK politcians.

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So they use chapters of their stories to "set AI free to transform the words into one cohesive hypnotic dream"

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Every historic event from Wikipedia. Fabulous visualisation

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Editions At Play

An unusual concept, stories to be read on your phone. The stories incorporate images from your camera and where you actually are. I found that aspect quite freaky tbh.

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Falling Down The Internet Hole

Lots of weird internet.

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Tell Me Your Secrets - BBC

Interactive graphic novel

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Know Your Meme

Want to know what the heck a meme even means…

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Fantastic zooming interface to an archive collection of photographs.

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Find places similar in shape to other places nearby

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Chrome Experiments

Hundreds of cool web technology examples that require the Chrome browser. Go and be amazed at what can be made.

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CodeKlavier live at WORM Rotterdam

Amazing. What if a musician could use a piano to code?

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David Attenborough Mindful Mix

What is this? An ambient track with David's voice occassionally drifting in and out. Very strange. I quite like it. 

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Long Form

Example of long form storytelling with media.

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Trouble In Paradise - Nuclear Dissent

Interactive story about the French nuclear tests in Polynesia.

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Tree Visualisations List

An amazing collection of tree visualisation types

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The HTML is slightly messed up - but a glorious live peek into bird boxes.

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Georgio Cam

Hilarious. AI Makes lyrics from your webcam image, oh yeah.

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Inspirational coding-via-paper-and-things project. See also PaperPrograms

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Information Is Beatiful

A totally fantastic collection of visualisations and infographics to explore and imagine making yourself.

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Bartosz Ciechanowski Explains Sound Waves

Incredible resource explaining how sound works, with lots of interactive widgets.

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Low Tech Magazine

Magazine for off-grid-y things.

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Jer Thorp - Data Artist

Creator of so many interesting projects and ideas.

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World railway map

As it says, available as a PDF

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Sheffield Tape Archive

Archive of live music from Sheffield in mainly from the 1980s, so Crass, Fall, Eek-a-mouse and many others.

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Collé is an exploration into the world of contemporary collage

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Zine Idea

Interesting idea for a zine. Also, nice use of black and white and ONE colour

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Top AI Tools List

Lots of categorised AI tools

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3D Historical Globes

Lovely collection of 3D globes from hundreds of years ago.

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Below The Surface

They drained a canal in the Netherlands and this is what they found.

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Text Visualisations

Fab collection of text-based visualisations

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Interiors of Instruments

Lovely photos of the INSIDES of instruments

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How to use AI to generate almost anything

Interesting collection of projects from MIT generating music, fashion and even pizzas

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Where have you cried?

Interesting project documenting where people have cried, and why.

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Travel Visualisations - Moving Cities

Compare your own travel usage to other nations.

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Best Thunkable Apps 2019

Nice list of the sorts of apps you can make with the block-coding (like Scratch) tool, Thunkable.

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I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect this is genius somehow. Processing code becomes a qr code that is used as stamp that reveals itself like a Quine? 

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Reddit Glitch Art

Lots of great examples of Glitch Art.

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Typographic Posters

Wonderful collection of images made from text

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Discover a new music genre you didn't know you like.

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Space Elevator

Lovely scrolling journey from high in the clouds to space

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The Wired's A Guide To Memes

If you'd prefer to read a meme's…

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How To Draw With Code

For Casey Reas, software is the most natural medium to work with. He uses code to express his thoughts—starting with a sketch, composing it in code, and witnessing the imagery that it ultimately creates. We visit his studio to see how he uses color to convey emotion and how his programming language Processing is closing the gap between software and object.  

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MRI of the Earth

Interesting project looking at "The Earth" and climate change etc.

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Machine Learning For Kids

Lots of worksheets to do really amazing projects with machine learning and Scratch!

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That Creative Code Page

A lovely collection of the common algorithms used for lots of creative coding pieces.

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Global Fishing Watch

Watch the fishing boats go out live.

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Auroral radio emissions are associated with the Northern Lights or Aurora. The most intense of these emissions is a phenomenon called Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR). It is produced in the auroral zones at an altitude between 3000 and 20 000 kilometres.

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A Chinese shopping site of bizarre objects and knock-off products. Choose two items and make a work of art from them.

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Blackout Poetry on Pinterest

Pinterest is a fun place to find inspiration and links to interesting sites.

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Concrete Poetry: Word As Image

Excellent film showing examples of animations around a word.

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A.I Chapbooks

The 18 chapbooks presented below were developed in Spring 2023 by first-year undergraduates from the CMU School of Art

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AI Art Gallery

Interesting project....

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The GPIB Russian Electronic Library

A collection of Russian Futurist books.

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Map of York

Maps with multitudes of additional data, from wifi to disabled bays.

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River - Image Connection Engine

I'm not entirely sure what this is, but it drifts effortlessly from one visual thing to another.

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Great paddle game (emulated on a PET computer) from YEARS ago. Try it.

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Early Computer Art

Article about early computer generative art.

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The Zine Library

A lovely collaboration of artists, students, scientists from the Small Science Collective, producing small zines and web comics on topics from ants to cephalopods to galaxies.

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A Bestiary of the Anthopocene

Presentation about the idiocy of the modern world.

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Ten Years Ago

What did these sites look like?

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Circular Tube Map

Interesting map. Not sure I get it.

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Projection Mapping

Collection of project videos

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Figures In The Sky

How different cultures connect different stars together

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Creative Problem Creating: Jon Satrom

Jon is an artist who undermines interfaces, problematizes presets, and playfully bends data. He spends his days fixing things and making things work. He spends his evenings breaking things and searching for the unique blips inherent to the systems he explores and exploits.

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Japanese Woodblock

Amazing collection of Japanese Woodblock prints.

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Hierarchical Representation of UK Statistical Geographies

How difficult is it to know data about the U.K? Check this out.

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Plastic Bag Museum

Does what it says on the bag.

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25 Amazing Examples Of Glitch Typography

Here are 25 amazing examples of glitch typography that are based on the idea that making things go wrong can be fascinating in its own way.

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Dan Hett

Lots of interesting commercial new media projects

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Amazing project that turns words into images. 

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Rory's Storycubes

Physical prompts to get that story started

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The Cool Club

A massive collection of "cool sites" displayed in a cool way. The history of the internet kinda (so far).

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Music Roamer

Explore music genres.

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Tree of Life

An absolutely stunning, both visually and technically, visualisation of life of earth.

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Font Mao

Explore a landscape of fonts

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Lauren presents p5js

Lauren both introduces the making of p5js and demonstrates how totally cool p5js is, highlighting some of it best features.

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On Timeslines

How many ways are there to draw time? Think about what time aspects your data has, and go and see if you could could be displaying it better.

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How Machine Learning Impacts Music Production

Skip to half way through this video to see some really interesting uses of AI or Machine Learning (ML) in music creation.

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Guess My RGB

Fun colour based game

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Incredible piece of storytelling about a brother lost to the Lockerbie bombing.

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The Mad Science Of Music

A genius at work. Go and learn.

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Listen to a podcast episode about places on a map.

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Georgia Lupi

What an inspirational visualisation designer. Go find out more about here work.

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Ex Icon Studio

Crazy desktop-like collection of digital art pieces. 

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Dante's Inferno

Visualisation of hell.

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Should this be a map or 500 maps?

Quite amazing story, sort of a Doomsday Book prototype where it all went wrong. Or right.

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Dancing Buildings

Audio visualisation, but of a navigable map

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How to Free Your Creative Spirit, According to Sister Corita Kent

Article about being creative, and the concept of plork.

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Myst (first person shooter)

You might not remember Myst, the ethereal game (created in HyperCard). This isn't that.

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Feeling Unlucky

The LAST result for a Google search

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78rpm Records Digitised By George Blood

1000s of really old records to listen to.

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Historical Maps

From the National Library of Scotland. See maps from 1855.

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Wow! This in an incredible collection of students' visualisations. Absolute genius!

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Entangled Origins

Chung is an internationally renowned artist and researcher exploring the relationship between human and machine. She paints "with" a robot.

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Story Maps

An interesting map project, with instructions of how to build your own.

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A site where the image degrades each time someone views it. Quiet genius.

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Collection of really interesting audio projects that make use of Freesound.org's archive of sound files.

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Creativity Prompts and Ideas

A huge collection of creativity-related techniques. Go learn, and try some.

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AI Comic Books

A collection of comics that use AI to generate the images

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GB Renewables Map

A beautiful animated map of clean energy in the UK

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Introduction To Krita

Krita is a free alternative to Photoshop

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How is Felix today?

Lifelogger put his entire life into one database.

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Nice tool that, using Spotify, arranges an artist's output by date, NOT RERELEASE ISSUE... at last!

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Google Museum Views -

Explore lots of 360 views of heritage sites, from the Taj Mahal to Stonehenge, all around the world.

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How A Mechanical Watch Works

Amazing interactive visualisations of the inner workings of a watch.

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A fabulous collection of categorized symbols.

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Visit the cave at Lascaux

Astonishing stuff. The earliest art works known? Or something else?

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Music Timelines

Explore music genres, discover new bands

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NASA Solar System

Learn about the planets and moons.

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Nothing, Forever

A.I generated sit-com endlessly spewing out hilarious scenes in realtime on Twitch.

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The Polish System

Really interesing article about one way of displaying historical information.

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The Truth Hurts

THE TRUTH HURTS is a choose-your-own-adventure book in Spotify.

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R Mock Ward Round Scenario - End of Life Patient

360 VR video used in the medical profession to train staff.

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Victorian Star Wars

Community-made short film made with PikaLabs AI.

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30+ Creativity Techniques

A nice list of creativity techniques listed and explained. Go try a few!

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HRC Academic Poster Winners

The best from York's Humanities Research Centre

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Microscopic Gallery

Some of the most incredible photos ever. Go explore.

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Potato P

Interesting project, a Lisp-based computer with a battery life of MONTHS.... that you can build yourself.

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Design With Intent

Cards to provoke design thinking

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Movie Shots

Twitter thread of different styles of movie shots you can use.

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Sci-fi Covers Made With A.I

Lewis Hackett makes sci-fi covers with A.I and even links to the Colab notebooks so you can make your own.

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What even is this? Art? Go explore.

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The Ground Itself

A really interesting "game", or to my eye, more a collaborative methodology to create a story or world. It describes itself as "The Ground Itself is a one-session storytelling game for 2-5 players, played with household materials (a coin, a six-sided die, and a deck of cards)."

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Jodorowsky's Dune Storyboards

A fascinating look at a film in storyboard format.

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Amazing what can be generated WITHOUT AI.

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Open AI Jukebox

Here, artificial intelligence generates music in various different genres. Go listen, sometimes terrible, sometimes amazing. Also, lots more here.

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30 Day MapChallenge 2020

Just lots and lots of lovely maps. Go explore.

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The Black Bar

A game about censorship. Makes you think about words

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Graphic Medicine

The intersection between the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare

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Before, looooooong before, Prezi, there was Pad++

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Character Location

Developing a character? Hack the URL to find out where your character is from

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Alvin Lucier - I Am Sitting In A Room

From Wikipedia: I am sitting in a room is a sound art piece composed in 1969 and one of composer Alvin Lucier's best-known works. The piece features Lucier recording himself narrating a text, and then playing the tape recording back into the room, re-recording it. The new recording is then played back and re-recorded, and this process is repeated. Since all rooms have characteristic resonance or formant frequencies (e.g. different between a large hall and a small room), the effect is that certain frequencies are emphasized as they resonate in the room, until eventually, the words become unintelligible, replaced by the pure resonant harmonies and tones of the room itself. More

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Taper #10

Issue 10 of a online code/literary magazine

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Comics and Archaeology listing

John Swogger's excellent collection of educational comics.

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New Educational Models

A collection of orgs that are pedagogically interesting and at time brilliant. Well worth exploring.

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Infinite Scroll Wikipedia

Wikipedia, but presented as infinite scrolling like Twitter. Honestly, it makes wikipedia more addictive.

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Better Images of AI

Interesting idea looking at the tropes connected with A.I. 

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Robot Overlords

A TikTok account that shows A.I responses to these creepy prompts.

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Can Computers Make Art?

Excellent article making the case that they can't.

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Neuro Symbolic Lab

To be honest, I don't have a clue what this is. It's a brain and er. Oh I get it, it's a very fancy marketing web site that shows off some of the skills of A.I, and could be used as an idea generator.

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List of AI Projects

Amazing collection of AI projects to explore.

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2000 Horizons

A holiday web site based around the horizon

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If You Don't Have A Pet

Just silly, but still.

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Livecoding with FoxDot

Livecoding session. Watch people make music with code....LIVE!

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Game ChatShop

Totally brilliant digital artpiece

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Listen To Transformer

Listen as A.I generates music that "evolves" over time, or rather, has the musical notion of change and development within a song. Very clever.

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Discovering Speed Data From Photos

Interesting article on how photos are used to generate speed data from the Tokyo Olympics.

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At 10GB I don't think I'll download this tribute to Radiohead art piece.

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The Wrong

A large collection of interesting digital art.

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A song recommendation tool - that actually works... it's based on the sonic aspects of the song... quite interesting.

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An Art Gallery Created By Artificial Intelligence

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Alice In Wonderland Visualised

How many different ways has Alice In Wonderland been visualised - you've always wondered. The answer is 58. Amazing

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Lovely project where on one day people all around the world will stream the sound of the dawn chorus where they are.

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Audio Dramas

Huge collection of audio dramas.

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Next Strain

Wonderful visualisation of COVID worth exploring.

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Hypercard Stacks at archive.org

HyperCard spawned so much creativity it's incredible. Just browse this collection to see some of the stacks created.  Archive.org has Mac emulators so you can now run these stacks as if it was 1987 on a MacPlus. 

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People Like Us

There are also more inventive forms of audible storytelling like sound collage. Here’s a piece by Vicki Bennett (aka ‘People Like Us’) which takes bits of radio (including The Archers) and tells new stories with them.

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Country Comparisons

Select a country to view its performance relative to the Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries and see how it compares with other countries. Dark green circles show the social foundation and ecological ceiling. Blue wedges show social performance relative to a threshold associated with meeting basic needs.

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Huge list of amazing things online

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The Grannies

Slightly oddly presented film about people "leaking out of the edges" of a videogame.

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The Truth Hurts

The Truth Hurts is an audio adventure game on Spotify.

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The Tomb of Ramesses 1

Lovely VR to navigate around the Egyptian tomb.

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Map of Stories

Map of Scottish stories. (Faeries, woods, otherworlds etc)

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The Cursed Library

Intriguing piece of digital storytelling.

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Mora Amor

Simple but effective digital art pieces.

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Rainforest Foods

A sumptuous food shop online

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The History of Memes

Everything you need to know about the history and evolution of memes. We've come a long way over the years. From the I can haz cheeseburger cat to the this is fine dog to a vile and racist frog. 

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17 Creative Brainstorming Methods

...That (Might) Produce Brilliance! A nice list of creativity techniques, go try them!

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School of Media Arts Projects

Honestly, some fabulously conceived projects here. Every one an inspiration.

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Ambient Garden

Audio experience

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Undeniable Streetview

A Google maps-like interface to the destruction that has taken place in Ukraine.

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The Four Chord Song

Did you know millions of songs use the SAME four chords?

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Debunking Design Thinking

Interesting article slamming the likes of IDEO.

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The Life And Times of Yahoo Pipes

Yahoo pipes, a visual data plumbing tool was one of the really cool tools/ideas of the dotcom era. You can see a little of it in Orange3 or Enso (check them out too).

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A Film In On Photograph

Each one like a digital Rothko. I like these.

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Example of web-based VR. Use with Google Cardboard

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Handy Mnenomics

Article about a particular way to remember things

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MIT App Invention of the Month

A gallery of great apps and games made with MIT App Inventor, and the best thing is, you can look at the code to see how they did it, or remix an app to make your own version.

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Interesting video of an example of sonification.

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Citizens on the Mountaintop

A historical satire of the corporate personhood movement in America, written in Twine.

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Listen To Wikipedia Updates

Visualisation of sorts that updates when Wikipedia edits are made

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AI Art Resources

Huge list of A.I Art Tools

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5 Awesome Chapbook Publishers

Chapbooks are small, quirky, limited print run publications. Here are five publishers where you can explore chapbooks further.

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Death By Ai

A curated collection of activities that A.I. puts pressure on.

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The Unflattening

A dissertation in graphic novel form. Beautiful

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Gif The Dub

A live montage of memes and gifs and music

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Window Swap

Lovely peep into other worlds. 

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New York Skyline?

The sky as a hex palette.

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The Museum of Screens

Interesting "walk" through internet time

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Listen to radio from around the world

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Macro Invertebrates

See bugs up close. Amazing

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VR Scout

A huges collection of articles about AR and VR projects

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The HTML Review

Interesting poetry meets coding site.

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Wikipedia Haiku

Haikus that are found accidentally in wikipedia text.

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I'm a Luddite - You Can Be Too

Excellent comic about being a Luddite and AI

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Comic Devices

Fantastic collection of ideas and stuff related to comics

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Collection of Text Art

Text-based creativiy.

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Poetry in motion

Really interesting exploratory interface, that slices archive texts together.

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Chilled Cow

AI/ML generates never-ending lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to.

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Startup Cemetry

All those great ideas that didn't work. Look how many millions were spent trying to get each idea to work. Just because they failed, it doesn't mean your take on it will fail. A good game to play is to pick two failed startup ideas at random, then seeing if mashing them together gives you a killer idea.  

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The Boat

Media rich story about being in a boat in storm.

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Example of Orca Being Played

Orca is a fantastic. spreadsheet-like way to code music.

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The Happy Forecast

Thinking of moving to London. This is an interesting visualisation to explore.

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A bit like Oblique Strategies. Random inspiration but online.

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Where Does Music Revenue Come From?

A visualistion that shows how it's not all about sales.

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Floor796 PixelArt

The most amazing piece of animated pixel art I've seen

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Apps Made With Thunkable

The 2019 list of apps made with Thunkable you can go and download from your App Store.

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“Plotto”: Generating Truly Offensive Stories Since 1928

Incredible article covering storytelling, gender and visualisatuon

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Data Visualisation Guide

Fabulous resources explaining a huge range of different visualisation types. Check out this excellent page on TIDY DATA..

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AI Camera

Interesting idea, but I can't get it to work... An AI camera... with no lens...

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The Processed World

Are you the processor or being processed? "Processed World magazine was founded in 1981 by a small group of dissidents, mostly in their twenties, who were then working in San Francisco's financial district."

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Database of Sonification Art

People turning data into sound

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The OMM Experience

Peculiar audio video experience

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Brilliant article by Eric Tamm which looks at Brian Eno, who was part of Roxy Music, worked with David Bowie and went on to invent functional music, and the whole ambient genre.  Has lots of tips regarding creativity.

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Hobo Lobo Of Hamelin

Interesting, and not entirely successful use of parallax for storytelling

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A.I Generated Typography

Some interesting creative "takes" here.

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Hey, what aaabout...

A curated list of 80+ activities you can do in a short time to expand your interests

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One Last Beat

Warning. Very gory/violent/crazy interactive video story. Crazy!

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The Unknown Face

Archive photos presented in a brilliant way.

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Dear Data

...whose creative practice ranges from book design, information design, data visualisation, and commissioned artworks using data.

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List of Inventions

Not entirely sure what this is. Interesting (AI generated?) inventions

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A Way To Go

Unusual out of body experience game

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Slightly echo-y animated story about how bacteria affects us

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Frost - AI Generated Short Film

AI generated film. Bit weird.

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The Design Kids

Design and Arts news and interviews

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List of Cyptoart Galleries

https://knownorigin.io/drops https://app.rarible.com/ https://async.art/ https://www.cryptokitties.co/ https://opensea.io/assets https://makersplace.com/ And even more CryptoArt sites here, and this Digital Art Gallery, Cryptovoxels is relevant.

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Alternative Displays

A huge list, check out the PDF of different forms (some crazy) of displays.

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The Field

Bizarre VR experience.... created by corporates.

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All you need to know about knowledge gardening, or the Zettelkasten methodology

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Data Sonification Archive

This curated collection is part of a broader research endeavour in which data, sonification and design converge to explore the potential of sound in complementing other modes of representation and broadening the publics of data. 

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When We Love

Dating simulation game.

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Map of D Day

Nice map of the D Day invasion

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Sewage Map of the UK

Tells you where our corrupt government is letting our corrupt Water companies dispose of sewage in our water.

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Significant Objects

Facinating project where objects are given a "story" ... then sold.

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Fake Victoriana

Posted as genuine victorian early photographs, too many details smacked of A.I ... like horses with no legs

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Python scripting in Inkscape

If you know a little Python you could start making art with PyProcessing or script Inkscape.

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Chapbooks at the University of York

Over 40 chapbooks with images of each page and covers. Very high-quality images are downloadable too.

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Moon Phases Explained

At last a really great interactive tool to help you understand moon phases.

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A collection of AI movie finalists. All deeply odd.

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Virtual Galleries

A collection of virtual galleries and museum to explore.

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Stroll Down Flatbush

A Google Maps-like interface to 1920s USA

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The Next Rembrandt

Incredible visualisation of sorts of Rembrandt's work

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An article introducing the ideas of polytopias (and how to get there) and world-building... linked with sci-fi and interactive narratives too.

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Royal Constellations

How the european royal families are connected

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Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music

Large visualisation. Zoom in and listen to each genre, from Musique Concrete to Glitch Hop

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Can You Build Stone Henge?

A nice game in which you are tasked with building Stone Henge

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IBM 1401, A User’s Manual

nspired by a recording of an IBM mainframe computer which Jóhann’s father, Jóhann Gunnarsson, made on a reel-to-reel tape machine more than 30 years ago, the piece was originally written to be performed by a string quartet as the accompaniment to a dance piece by the choreographer Erna Ómarsdóttir.

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Yorb Spring Show

Dozens and dozens of fantastic student projects. A 3D gallery well worth a visit, some wonderful ideas in here.

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Sneaky Clock

Interesting. The machines have it in for us. A clock that displays the wrong time if it suspects you of looking at it.

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Comics I Loved in 2023

Fabulous list of this person's fave comics/graphic novels. I need to get some of these.

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Collection of MacPaint images

Nice collection of black and white images made with MacPaint and Hypercard. (See also, Hypercard at archive.org).

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To Be Build

Amazing collection of buildings

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History of Montage

The development of photo montage

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Guess the place with Google Maps

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Charlie Hebdo

Example of a scrolling storytelling site

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AI: Black Swans

Paper outlining the dangers of A.I

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Data visualisation by hand

Excellent article about how and why to do visualisations by hand

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Maps of 2022

Lovely collection of maps.

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Cine Times

Unusual collection of free and mainly retro movies.

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FRICKbits app

This iOS app takes your location data and turns it into an interesting visualisation.

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Tote Design

Weird web design. Wild.

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Please Enjoy

All sorts of interesting projects. Go be inspired

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VHS Glitch Art Example

In the "olden days" people would crush videotapes and then see what strange effects they got. People did effectively the same thing with digital files, deliberately wrecking them.    

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Scratch Gallery

Scratch is an amazing block-coding tool, a place where kids learn all they need to know about coding concepts. It's amazing what you can do with Scratch, go explore and have fun.

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Altered Earth

Simple yet stunning installation.

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Dadabots - Generated Music

AI/ML continuously generates music in a number of different genres. This death metal AI has been continuously streaming noise since Sept 2019! Are they any good? What do you think?  

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Hydra Garden

A collection of projects made with Ojack's Hydra.

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Interview with Meghna Jayanth

During her decade in the gaming industry, Jayanth, a British-Indian immigrant, has become known for highlighting the effects of British colonialism as much as for her award-winning work on games such as inkle’s 80 Days and Guerilla Games’ Horizon: Zero Dawn.

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The Warden Game

Who has power in prison and how do they exercise it? The Warden Game provides an unexpected way of thinking about these questions. Rather than a total institution of some predictability, the prison turns out to be susceptible to different forms of activity by incarcerated people, their families and loved ones, journalists, guards, judges, state legislators, and political appointees.

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Lots of sonification examples.

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Laurie Frick's Quantified Art

Laurie uses data about herself to create fantastic artworks, or visualisations, or sculptures. Amazing.

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Happy New Year

Brand focussed web

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Fra Mauro's World Map

Navigable world map.

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TimeSplines: Sketch-Based Authoring of Flexible and Idiosyncratic Timelines

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Ezekiel Aquino

I'm not entirely sure. A round score? 

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Tim Vine Best Bits

The master of one-liners.

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Plausible Spaces

Example of automatically made art

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Partisan Thesaurus

It depends on which reference you use.

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World War II Soundscapes

Listen to a montage of radio etc.

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Huge collection of old illustrations of science, literature and art.

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Three.js is code to help create web 3D. Explore the creations people have made with Three.js.

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Periodic Table of Storytelling

Really interesting breakdown of story types and tropes.

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Back To The Future Of Technology

Comic about sustainable energy

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Grotesque Tables

Based on Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies, Grotesque Tables is a deck of creative prompt cards that are all anagrams of the Oblique Strategy cards.

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The OpenProcessing site is a gallery of the amazing projects that have been made with Processing and p5js. (Slightly confusingly, p5js is the modern Javascript version of Processing. Processing itself is java-based) Not only is this site inspirational, you can also view the source code, and remix any project you like to develop your own version. 

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Chrono Piano

Music generated from the date and time

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Esoteric Codes

An incredible collection of really unusual coding things.

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Wikipedia Random

Click on the Special:Random link to get real items to use in your writing. I got "Swarfega" and a Serbian footballer.

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Calculating Empires

A quite amazing diagram, that is "A Genealogy of Technology and Power Since 1500"

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Watch TV from the 70s/80s/90s

Nostalgia app for old fogies.

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Exhibition of Processing projects

Over 14 pages of cool projects made with Processing

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Jennifer Mills News

Who'd have thought a whole 20 years of personal news (a blog) but in an original way.

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The Uber Game

Can you make it in the gig economy?

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50 Years Of Swiss Music Charts

Zoom through the Swiss charts

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The Bible Illustrated By A.I

The bible passages put into an A.I text-to-image tool

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Coldwar Steve

Cold War Steve aka Christopher Spencer is an artist from Birmingham, England who specialises in surreal, satirical and hilarious collages originally made on his phone and iPad.

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One Minute Parks

Just a webcam on a random park

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Bandersnatch was an interactive movie by Charlie Brooker available on Netflix. From Wikipedia: In Bandersnatch, viewers make decisions for the main character, the young programmer Stefan Butler (Fionn Whitehead), who is adapting a fantasy choose-your-own-adventure novel into a video game in 1984.    

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Fantastic collection of "camera angles" used, go get some inspiration

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Death By AI

A game where AI decides if you live or die.

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Best Digital Stories of 2017

Brilliant collection of examples of digital storytelling

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Sonification & The Problem with Making Music from Data

This video debunks the whole notion of sonification. 

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What professions does each country produce

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Design Inspiration

Searchable examples of interesting designs

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How Do Comedians Write Jokes?

Great article with brief guidance from famous comedians.

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Groove Is In The Art

Lovely Tumblr of psychedelic album covers.

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Geographic quiz

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The Unknown

A hypertextual novel, about creating a hypertextual novel

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Future Hurry

A huge directory site, a bit like this one, of AI-related tools in all sorts of areas.

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Drive and Listen

Drive around cities from all over the world, with the car radio on. Strangely enjoyable.

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John Peel Roulette

Listen to a random moment from the John Peel show archives.

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World Draw

Strange site where you populate a world with your doodles

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Experiments With Google

Cool things from Google

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Interesting idea. Turn countries' trade figures into a game... Guess who makes this stuff!