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Be Creative

If you select your problem type, Be Creative will then suggest creative methodologies for you to use.

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Tools for better thinking.

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Oblique Strategies online

A nice version of oblique strategies, but online.

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How To Generate Thousands of Ideas

More of a methodology than a tool, but a good one.

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Spolin Bot

A bot responds to your messages.

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This wonderful tune creates interesting chord progressions for you. I tend to choose piano, turn off drums and set the bpm to around 80.

You have to pay to download the midi, but there are ways around this, using tools that turn recorded audio into midi. Although this may introduce errors or inaccuracies, we will live with these happy accidents.

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Idea Lottery

Creative prompt tool.

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Random Animal Generator

Generates a number of random animals for you. If you dig around, it can also generate places, flags, food and lots more.

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Aesthetic Generator

Nice character generator, or a good tool if you want a nom de plume perhaps.

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Design for Inclusivity Cards

The Cards for Humanity team have created this fabulous deck of cards to help you think about inclusive design.

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This Word Does Not Exist

AI generates "new" words for you.

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Auto-poetry from Codita

...complete with random generative graphics

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Bright Sparks

This tool selects a random person for you to use as a creative prompt, and then asks leading questions to help you develop your ideas.

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A "what to draw" idea generation tool

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A site that has a collection of, er, things. I think this would be a great site for ideation, or being creative but you will have to figure out how.

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Blackout Poetry Maker

Drop your text onto the screen and make your own. 

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Select your mood and key, and Autochords does the rest.

p.s You may need Soundflower to record your chords...

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Grotesque Tables

Based on Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies, Grotesque Tables is a deck of creative prompt cards that are all anagrams of the Oblique Strategy cards.

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A bit like Oblique Strategies. Random inspiration but online.

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Make It Pop Cards

Like Oblique Strategies, these cards are a great "game" for making you come up with something creative.

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Creative Problem Creating: Jon Satrom

Jon is an artist who undermines interfaces, problematizes presets, and playfully bends data. He spends his days fixing things and making things work. He spends his evenings breaking things and searching for the unique blips inherent to the systems he explores and exploits.

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Startup Cemetry

All those great ideas that didn't work. Look how many millions were spent trying to get each idea to work. Just because they failed, it doesn't mean your take on it will fail. A good game to play is to pick two failed startup ideas at random, then seeing if mashing them together gives you a killer idea.


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Idiom Connection

A collection of categorised idioms.

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List of Idioms

Wonderful collection of sayings and idioms that you might use for inspiration.