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Lovely free, web-based tele-prompter, or autocue. Really helpful if you're recording a voice track.

It even has mirroring so you can hold a sheet of glass, and reflect onto it, looking straight at the camera. Nice.

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Portmaneau Maker

Maybe use this tool with <a href="https://randomwordgenerator.com/">this random word generator</a> to create a new word.

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Really interesting text visualisation tool

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Like a word cloud thingy, but better because it does concordance and you can navigate it. Go try it.

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Collection of Text-based AI Colab Tools

A github repository of LOTS of Google Colab notebooks for doing text-based A.I.

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Search YouTube Transcripts - Filmot

Disaster of an interface, but a nice tool that searches YouTube transcripts for what you want.

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Collection of ML Text To Image Tools

A collection of various text-to-image tools, often Google Colab files for creating unusual images.

Another few excellent tools here too (including a tool up upsize small images)

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Lots of example text-based A.I apps that you can use to help your ideas along. If you like what they do, you could maybe integrate that feature via an API into your app.

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Textable is an Add-on to a really interesting visual tool call Orange3. With them together you can do textual or data analysis and shaping, and filtering, WITHOUT coding. 

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Your World Of Text

Create your own URL - I made myworldofnonsense, and you have a "live" editable grid you can share with collaborators.

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Brilliant text tool. Write, or paste in a few paragraphs of text. This tool then translates it to and from lots of languages, bending the words into similar but strange reflections of the original.

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A really power API for getting words to generate stories etc.

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Typographic Posters

Wonderful collection of images made from text

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Collection of Text Art

Text-based creativiy.

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Poetry in motion

Really interesting exploratory interface, that slices archive texts together.

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Text Visualisations

Fab collection of text-based visualisations

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List of Text Editors

Choosing a text editor for coding is a very personal choice. Some have "too many" features, others are too simple. You may need to try more than a few to find one that you like working in, but it's not until you start on an actual project, that you'll be really able to tell.