App Making

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MIT App Inventor

MIT App Inventor is a block-coding tool with which you can create downloadable Android applications as .apk files, FOR FREE!


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Fabulous tool to create mobile and desktop apps, like Powerpoint but with code.

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Interesting dev/coding tool. Slingcode is a personal computing platform in a single html file. You can make, run, and share web apps with it. You don't need any complicated tools to use it, just a web browser. You don't need a server, hosting, or an SSL certificate to run the web apps.

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Callooh! Callay! A HyperCard clone that doesn't suck AND has programming in Python (rather than HyperTalk). Brilliant!

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Python-driven web application tool. Looks great.

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No-code app builder on top of your database, or Google Sheet. Like Google's AppSheet.

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Mu is a "micro-framework". I like the idea. A way to make web apps that have authorisation and payments, but not much else.

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MIT App Invention of the Month

A gallery of great apps and games made with MIT App Inventor, and the best thing is, you can look at the code to see how they did it, or remix an app to make your own version.

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Apps Made With Thunkable

The 2019 list of apps made with Thunkable you can go and download from your App Store.

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Best Thunkable Apps 2019

Nice list of the sorts of apps you can make with the block-coding (like Scratch) tool, Thunkable.