Not a tool, but AIAAIC's independent, free, open library of 900+ incidents and controversies driven by and relating to AI, algorithms and automation.
A text to image tool. I put in "Digital Skills and Creativity at the University of York" and got this.
This tech demo shows Style Transfer being applied to your webcam or a picture you upload. Lots more interesting demos <a href="">here</a>.
A github repository of LOTS of Google Colab notebooks for doing text-based A.I.
Text-to-Image Google Colab notebook. Run all the code sections, add your text, and get an image AND a movie.
Musenet takes an "intro" and then "evolves" it with AI in different styles such as Beatles, Mozart or Bluegrass. Interestingly you can upload your own custom midi track and let it evolve that too.
I tried adding a file created by Computoser as a starting point, and I think it made it more Beatles-y but it's hard to tell. Doesn't have a download option.
A collection of various text-to-image tools, often Google Colab files for creating unusual images.
Another few excellent tools here too (including a tool up upsize small images)
Lots of example text-based A.I apps that you can use to help your ideas along. If you like what they do, you could maybe integrate that feature via an API into your app.
Warning: Profanity! But, based on a training catalogue of lots of lyrics, this Machine Learning tool will take any subject and generate lyrics for you.
Interesting idea. A.I turns your videos into 3D figure animations by uploading a video of you dancing.
Amazing A.I. tool that lets you define the text for painted areas of an image. A.I then fills in and blends a generated image into the image you have uploaded.
No sooner does a new technology arrive, than someone tries to leech money out of it. A site to BUY prompts for A.I.
Draw your design with simple colours and have A.I turn it into a more realistic image.
This tool generates music (based on parameters) in lots of different genres and you get three free downloads. You can get a mixed .mp3 or midi file. Very impressive.
A slow, but create Google Colab Notebook that turns text into images.
Works on a laptop or mobile. Point your camera at something and AI tell you what it is (hopefully) AND translates it for you.
You describe the sort of music you want to hear, and A.I creates a playlist based on that description.
I added "post-punk-industrial tribal drums distorted guitar with funk bass, creating incredibly anger and tense discordant melodic noise" and it made this list - how'd it do?
Create an infinite zoom video. Although I never quite get what I want, the results are always interesting.
To be honest, I don't have a clue what this is. It's a brain and er.
Oh I get it, it's a very fancy marketing web site that shows off some of the skills of A.I, and could be used as an idea generator.
The museum employed deepfake technology by analyzing archival footage of Dalí and digitally superimposing his face over an actor with similar body proportions. The museum also hired a voice actor to mimic Dalí’s distinctive Spanish accent. The result is an interactive experience for visitors, where no two guests will ever have the same experience.
AI/ML continuously generates music in a number of different genres. This death metal AI has been continuously streaming noise since Sept 2019!
Are they any good? What do you think?
Lewis Hackett makes sci-fi covers with A.I and even links to the Colab notebooks so you can make your own.
Here, artificial intelligence generates music in various different genres. Go listen, sometimes terrible, sometimes amazing.
Also, lots more here.
The 18 chapbooks presented below were developed in Spring 2023 by first-year undergraduates from the CMU School of Art
Posted as genuine victorian early photographs, too many details smacked of A.I ... like horses with no legs
Interesting collection of projects from MIT generating music, fashion and even pizzas
A.I generated sit-com endlessly spewing out hilarious scenes in realtime on Twitch.
As stand up goes... A.I generates a conversation between two intellectual heavyweights.
Skip to half way through this video to see some really interesting uses of AI or Machine Learning (ML) in music creation.
Listen as A.I generates music that "evolves" over time, or rather, has the musical notion of change and development within a song. Very clever.
Chung is an internationally renowned artist and researcher exploring the relationship between human and machine. She paints "with" a robot.