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A search engine that doesn't return the obvious, well known, high ranking results, but instead returns unpopular, obscure, less visited pages. Go find weird stuff you couldn't before.

See this <a href="">random</a> link.

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A search engine that only searches widely used discussion boards. No AI junk content (we hope!)

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A search engine that prefers and returns older sites.

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Ooh directory

A directory like the olden days of Yahoo. The new blogs category is

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A search engine that uses AI but can do interesting things with your results, such as "create me a timeline about xxx" or "give me alternatives to xxx" . Requires (Google) login.

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A Million Short

A search engine that removed the first million results - or what Google would give you - and instead rummages around in the "less popular corners" or the internet. Free for 100 searches.

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An open search engine with some interesting features, transparency about its alogorithms, and no tracking.

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Globe Explorer

Globe Explorer is a search engine (that uses AI, but in an interesting manner)... When you do a search for a topic, it returns the results in a categorised form, as if you were going to learn that topic.

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Interesting AI powered search engine, that uses Reddit as its info store, and summarizes disparate messages boards.

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Find short video clips that SAY what you search for.

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A semantic search engine for ancient text.