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Successor to Pygame, PyGameZero is a python-based game engine that is fun to use, easy and powerful.

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Godot Engine

Free, open source games development environment. One day, I'll get round to having a go with Godot.

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Write interactive narrative fiction (the online version). Create your own adventure game!

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Create 2D games without coding. 

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List of Game Development Tools

Everything from Twine to Unity... tools to make games.

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Study Crafter

An amazing tool to create interactive games with a flow-coding interface, but equally could be used to make training materials. The primary use for this tool is to collect research data about what choices people made.


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Fun mobile app (Android, iOS) with which you can make quirky games.

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The Museum of Screens

Interesting "walk" through internet time

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Great List of Games

53 best browser games you can play for free.