
Here are twenty of the latest tools and inspirations I have added to the site.

All       Anyone/Fun       Beginner/Easy       Intermediate/Learner       Expert      

You should be able to open this up, figure out how it works and have fun with this. There are lots of online "toys" that are actually worth playing with just for the experience, they'll give you ideas.

This category is for things that may take a little learning but don't need lots of effort. 

These items will require some studying but are worth the time. You can watch a few YouTube videos to get to grips with it, right? 

These are complex tools for those who are more technically minded, or researchers or professionals. But hey, don't let that stop you. 

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Paint n Play

Cute painting app from the National Gallery... a bit KidPix-ish. Some lovely brushes
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The spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes? A visual online-data piping tool for getting data, processing mainly news data and re-publishing data. I used to love Pipes back in the day. Back then a lot more data was a lot easier to get to via RSS, XML and open APIs.
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Impressive BETA web-based video editor
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Visual programming tool. I've had a play with this and realised it's a nice dataflow tool, that has both plugins, like being able to execute Pythin code and the ability to call/use AI APIs.
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With some Hypercard influence (if you can even have that in a markup language)... this looks very interesting... A coding framework for making web pages that sees the return of me and it. I made this in no time at all.
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Nostalgic to oldies... one of the best computer paint programs ever
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Like a word cloud thingy, but better because it does concordance and you can navigate it. Go try it.
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Alpaca Ai

One of those doodle-and-prompt-to-image AI things. The prompt for this was "a fierce and scary cartoon rat"... and er...
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Self Hosted Tools

Fabulous collection of server software you can host yourself, if you are a geek who is that way inclined.
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Image upscaler
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Create consistent characters with AI
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Replay AI

Desktop AI app to alter vocal tracks in music tracks. So replace Thom Yorke with Spongebob... or something.
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Nice multi platform audio editor, good for quick edit.s
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3D GL Streetmap

Lovely looking map.
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Puppets App

Genius. Webcam app that uses your hands like puppets.
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Visual coding for web developers
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A web-based code-to-music tool, like Sonic Pi (ish) but web-based and using Python or Javascript.
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Fun mobile app (Android, iOS) with which you can make quirky games.
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Database schema designing tool. Brilliant!
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A "what to draw" idea generation tool
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ChatGPT Prompting

Useful tool to guide your prompt for ChatGPT.
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A node-based framework for creating sophisticated card games.
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Blackout Poetry Tool

Brilliant Blackout Poetry tool (made in Glitch)
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Tabletop simulators

The White Box is a collection of bits n pieces with which you can prototype your game. The Tabletop simulator is a digital game-maker.
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Amazing map-making tool, currently with free options
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Chrono Piano

Music generated from the date and time
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Map of D Day

Nice map of the D Day invasion
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Calculating Empires

A quite amazing diagram, that is "A Genealogy of Technology and Power Since 1500"
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Should this be a map or 500 maps?

Quite amazing story, sort of a Doomsday Book prototype where it all went wrong. Or right.
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Python scripting in Inkscape

If you know a little Python you could start making art with PyProcessing or script Inkscape.
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A song recommendation tool - that actually works... it's based on the sonic aspects of the song... quite interesting.
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So they use chapters of their stories to "set AI free to transform the words into one cohesive hypnotic dream"
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Top AI Tools List

Lots of categorised AI tools
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A fabulous collection of categorized symbols.
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One Minute Parks

Just a webcam on a random park
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Guess My RGB

Fun colour based game
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Falling Down The Internet Hole

Lots of weird internet.
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Travel Visualisations - Moving Cities

Compare your own travel usage to other nations.
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Audio Dramas

Huge collection of audio dramas.
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Ambient Garden

Audio experience
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Fra Mauro's World Map

Navigable world map.
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Every Single Frame

Explore movies frame by frame in random order from critically acclaimed films to gain a new perspective on the art of cinematography.
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Incredible piece of storytelling about a brother lost to the Lockerbie bombing.
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The Grannies

Slightly oddly presented film about people "leaking out of the edges" of a videogame.
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World railway map

As it says, available as a PDF
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Atlas of Intangibles

Quite lovely collection of odd stuff on the street.
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The Cursed Library

Intriguing piece of digital storytelling.
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Circular Tube Map

Interesting map. Not sure I get it.
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Collection of Text Art

Text-based creativiy.
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Museum of Failure

Fabulous collections of things that never made it.
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Just a lot of scripts and screenplays in various formats (PDF, txt, even comic .cbz etc)
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SVG Icons

Huge collection of SVG icons.
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Newsreels from mid 20th Century

American news programmes.
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Quaternius Game Assets

Collection of assets to use when making (3D) games
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Memes (as SVG)

Memes, but available as SVG (so you can edit them).

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Collection of Game Assets

A collection of assets to help you create a game

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30 Days of Python

Brilliant collection of python examples.

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Photos for Class

Age appropriate creative commons image search engine. 

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3D Texture Collection

Collection of A.I generated textures.

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Women's Generative Art

Brilliant collection of women generative artists.

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Lots of short audio samples, or "soundboards" that you can download.

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Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases

Brilliant explorable dataset, with downloadable data

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Collection of Equirectangular Images

A Flickr collection of equirectangular images, many of which are Creative Commons licenced for use in your own VR creations.

Lots more here.

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Collection of Posters

Fabulous collection of posters from the U.S. Department of Agriculture  in the 1930s

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An academic paper about interactive narrative systems.