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Benthos Studio

A BETA stream and data editing and routing tool, like Yahoo Pipes I guess.

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Voyant Tools

Voyant is a great tool that takes text and generates word frequencies and tag clouds.

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No-code app builder on top of your database, or Google Sheet. Like Google's AppSheet.

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Node network diagram builder.

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Textable is an Add-on to a really interesting visual tool call Orange3. With them together you can do textual or data analysis and shaping, and filtering, WITHOUT coding. 

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Google Data Studio

Connect to your data source and create an interactive dashboard visualiation

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Grist is a spreadsheet-relational-database hybrid (like Baserow and NoCoDB). I like these no-code/low-code products because for most people (i.e not enterprises) a relational DB makes a lot of sense, but in terms of tools and UX they are awful, so people use spreadsheets and lose "relationalability". 

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Realy interesting looking visual data flow tool.

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Graph Commons

Easy to use network graph visualisation tool

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Interesting take on spreadsheets, where each sheet is a connectable block/table.

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Small database for Javascript dev... looks like it might be powerful and useful to use on It's SQLite under the hood but has things like authentication which appeals to me as a hobby dev.

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Open Refine

A tool to clean up your messy or disorganised data files.

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Quickly adapt infograph templates to fit your data. Used to freemium and nice. Now you can't download. RUBBISH!

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Create timelines

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Database schema designing tool. Brilliant!

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An incredible number of visualisation of data types. 

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Python tool for data wranging of .csv files

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Convert JSON to SQL. Upload your JSON data, specify how you want your data to be mapped and they will convert it to a SQL file. Amazing

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The spreadsheet with OpenAI and Slack integrations (for example) already built in. Nice idea.

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The Vistorian

Incredible "end-user" tool for visualistion network graphs.

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EasyGraph is a super-simple (I think) graph database for Python.

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An app-making, dataflow tool.

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This is interesting. You can load a Postgres database using WASM (no server needed)... Maybe could create some fun stuff with this on

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Rowboat CSV Explorer

Drop a CSV or Excel file on this app and your data becomes interestingly presented.

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Open-source database/spreadsheet tool that offers something between a relational database and a spreadsheet, like NoCoDB. 

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Little Sis

Brilliant site that is a mixture of a database of people and corporations and governments etc. and tools to "connect the dots" between them.

For example, take a look at How Fracking Special Interests Infiltrate the UK Parliament

See also: My Little Crony

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Our World In Data

A site with lots of visualisation of world date, here, "obesity"

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Copy .csv data and play with visualisation possibilities.

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If you need to tag, or codify some text, looking for themes in transcripts, this free web-based tool is great.

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Discovering Speed Data From Photos

Interesting article on how photos are used to generate speed data from the Tokyo Olympics.

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My Little Crony

Wonderful visualisation of connections, companies and corruption with UK politcians.

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Auroral radio emissions are associated with the Northern Lights or Aurora. The most intense of these emissions is a phenomenon called Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR). It is produced in the auroral zones at an altitude between 3000 and 20 000 kilometres.

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Data Visualisation Guide

Fabulous resources explaining a huge range of different visualisation types. Check out this excellent page on TIDY DATA..

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A Year In Lyrics

An interesting quantified self project in which Eric visualise the lyrics of all the songs he's listened to in numerous interesting ways

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Data Sonification Archive

This curated collection is part of a broader research endeavour in which data, sonification and design converge to explore the potential of sound in complementing other modes of representation and broadening the publics of data. 

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The Life And Times of Yahoo Pipes

Yahoo pipes, a visual data plumbing tool was one of the really cool tools/ideas of the dotcom era. You can see a little of it in Orange3 or Enso (check them out too).

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Information Is Beatiful

A totally fantastic collection of visualisations and infographics to explore and imagine making yourself.

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Making numbers louder

Excellent article that links to a number of projects working in the area of sonification, turning data into sounds.

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FRICKbits app

This iOS app takes your location data and turns it into an interesting visualisation.

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Dear Data

...whose creative practice ranges from book design, information design, data visualisation, and commissioned artworks using data.

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Georgia Lupi

What an inspirational visualisation designer. Go find out more about here work.

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Next Strain

Wonderful visualisation of COVID worth exploring.

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Laurie Frick's Quantified Art

Laurie uses data about herself to create fantastic artworks, or visualisations, or sculptures. Amazing.

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On Timeslines

How many ways are there to draw time? Think about what time aspects your data has, and go and see if you could could be displaying it better.

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Structured data from the web

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Find data published by central government, local authorities and public bodies to help you build products and services

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York Council Open Data

The City of York Council provides lots of data about all sorts of things in your area, such as spending or footfall numbers in the town in .csv format. 

There are even .kml files of listed trees, or where litter bins are, that can be imported into Google My Maps or Google Earth.

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Data to download

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Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases

Brilliant explorable dataset, with downloadable data

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Better World Flux

Explore health data with compelling interactive visualisations