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AI P5JS Coder

OK, so this a great demo. Talk to AI and it makes the p5js code. Except it doesn't, and then it doesn't again, and again.

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Face/Hand/Body Tracking p5Sketch

Excellent p5js sketch that makes camera tracking a lot easier.

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p5js Editor

Online editing of Processing projects

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AR and VR for p5js.

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A brilliant Javascript p5js library that is integrated with A-Frame so that you can generate A-Frame objects but using the more familiar format of p5js.

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Collection of Oscillators for p5js

Useful if you are trying to code audio or animations.

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p5 Brush

Library for p5js to create interesting paint tools

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Stamper for p5js

A modular and visual way to edit p5js code.

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The OpenProcessing site is a gallery of the amazing projects that have been made with Processing and p5js.

(Slightly confusingly, p5js is the modern Javascript version of Processing. Processing itself is java-based)

Not only is this site inspirational, you can also view the source code, and remix any project you like to develop your own version. 

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Lauren presents p5js

Lauren both introduces the making of p5js and demonstrates how totally cool p5js is, highlighting some of it best features.