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You should be able to open this up, figure out how it works and have fun with this. There are lots of online "toys" that are actually worth playing with just for the experience, they'll give you ideas.

This category is for things that may take a little learning but don't need lots of effort. 

These items will require some studying but are worth the time. You can watch a few YouTube videos to get to grips with it, right? 

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Make Your Own Zine

Zines are small, often radical and often one-page home-made magazines. Why don't …
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Make A Cartoon

Think of a story, explanation or idea that you want to communicate and make it as…
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Make A Musical Noise

If you are willing to play, there are some amazing tools out there to make the mo…
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Let's Make A Meme

Let's see if we can create a meme that is funny enough to go viral.
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Use The Random, Luke

When you need a little help being creative, using guided randomness to help you a…
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Using Artificial Intelligence For Inspiration

Artificial Intelligence can create tools and toys that do incredible things. Go p…
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Write Blackout Poetry

You can create a Blackout Poem by taking any other text and scribbling out the wo…
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Write A Joke

Your aim is to produce as many as you can, in the hope that you surprise yourself…
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Tools To Help You Get Started Writing

Once upon a time, there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, __…
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Let's Glitch 1

Glitch art is making work from computers going wrong, of files being corrupted, o…
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Let's Make A Montage

Montaging is making new images by chopping up other images and putting them toget…
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Create An Interactive Narrative Game 1

Twine is a fabulous tool for creating interactive narratives, or adventure games.…
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Write Using The Cut-Up Method

In this exercise, we will look at using The Cut-Up Method to help us stumble over…
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Let's Glitch 2

An introduction to Glitch Art and the tools to make your own.
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Let's Make A Free But Fabulous Website

Making a web site needn't be difficult there are some great tools listed here tha…
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Put Your Ideas On The Map

  • Maps
  • Beginner/Easy
Maps are great and if you have some data or a story, you can easily put it on a m…
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Create An Animation

Onion-skinning is an animation term that refers to making a drawing, then adding …
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Explore Digital Storytelling

The web allows a much richer form of story that simple text. You can use photos, …
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Tell A Story With Sounds

Let's see if we can make an audio narrative with a collection of cleverly chosen …
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Make a Wall-sized Banksy Poster

Many of Banksy's images are high contrast, and could have been sprayed onto a wal…
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Make An Ambient or Glitch Soundtrack

Some music genres are very textual and atmospheric. In this exercise, we will lea…
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Make A Video Without Shooting Video

The challenge is on. You are to make an amazing two-minute video in under two hou…
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Let's Learn How To Code A Website with Glitch

At its heart, HTML is quite simple, and Glitch is a service that let's you publis…
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Let's Design A Logo 1

Typically, logos are clean and striking. Logos are often made of what are called …
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Let's Make An App With Block Coding

Thunkable and MIT App Inventor are two Scratch-like coding tools with which you c…
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Learn To Code With Processing

Processing is a language for creative coding.
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Learn To Code With p5js

p5js is a creative coding tool and is the newer, web-based, Javascript version of…
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Collecting Resources For Creating A Game

  • Intermediate/Learner
  • has youtube intro
The plan is to collect all the media we need to create "a spooky game-like experi…