An introduction to Glitch Art and the tools to make your own.
The original glitch innovators would open an image file with a sound editor like Audacity - or a text editor and either just hack bits out, or use audio effects like echo on the data. They created art that resembles what happens when technology goes wrong.
Glitch musicians slow down music you might hear in a mall and mix in samples to create slightly disturbing soundscapes peppered with familiar sounds.
Go listen to Wesley below explain it in detail and explore some the artists and musicians below.
Jon is an artist who undermines interfaces, problematizes presets, and playfully bends data. He spends his days fixing things and making things work. He spends his evenings breaking things and searching for the unique blips inherent to the systems he explores and exploits.
Go and get a collection of maybe six images that you think might glitch well. Glitching is often a hard to control process, but interestingly, often different sorts of images such as high contract vs photographic have very different outcomes.
Now it's time to go make your own glitch pieces.
You can use either the images you have downloaded or with Photomosh you can use your webcam, and also you can save as gif or web animations or as a still image. I think the moving images work best.
Glitching can be a very hit and miss affair, so make you have lots of attempts. Good luck!